Teller Report

For lovers of canned not eat more than this amount per week

1/2/2022, 10:41:58 PM

Canned tuna is a suitable solution for those who are away from home for long hours, and of course for those who exercise and need an easy-to-prepare protein supplement. 100 grams of tuna provides the body with 25.5 grams of protein, and if you combine tuna with many protein-rich foods, you can easily

For lovers of canned not eat more than this amount per week

Canned tuna is a suitable solution for those who are away from home for long hours, and of course for those who exercise and need a protein supplement that is easy to prepare.

100 grams of tuna provides the body with 25.5 grams of protein, and if you combine tuna with many protein-rich foods, you can easily reach the required daily intake of protein, according to the agency “Sputnik”.

With one can of light tuna, you'll get 15% of your daily recommended iron intake, 212% of your daily recommended amount of selenium, and large doses of vitamin A, potassium, phosphorous, and vitamin B12. The health benefits of eating tuna also include a lower risk of heart disease. Because of the high levels of omega-3, which also has a positive effect on eye health.

It is important to know that most types of tuna are rich in methylmercury, a toxic substance linked to disorders of the nervous system and kidneys.

Most people have small amounts of this chemical in their bloodstream, but eating a lot of tuna can cause high levels of mercury.

This compound, which builds up in the blood, can cause toxicity, especially in young children and fetuses whose mothers eat tuna.

So pregnant women should be more careful.

However, occasionally eating a lot of tuna is not dangerous.

It is recommended to eat types of tuna with a very low concentration of mercury.

However, pregnant women are advised to avoid eating large fish such as swordfish, shark, mackerel and albacore tuna, which contain high amounts of mercury.

And if you want to ensure safe consumption, it is recommended that you eat a maximum of three to four cans of tuna per week.

It is recommended to change and incorporate the tuna alternately throughout the week as part of the daily menu.

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