Teller Report

Peskov sent journalists a postcard with the Greek alphabet and a wish not to get sick

12/25/2021, 12:14:49 PM

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov sent reporters a New Year card with congratulations and wishes for an early end to the pandemic. The postcard itself contains the Greek alphabet and the highlighted letter "omicron".

Congratulations from Peskov were published by the Kremlin Pool RIA.

In the 22nd it will definitely be better!

And there are not so many letters left.

Congratulations to journalists from Peskov.

He knows for sure

- Kremlin pool RIA (@Kremlinpool_RIA) December 25, 2021

“You see, there are not so many letters left!

In the 22nd it will definitely be better!

Stay healthy and be happy!

Holiday greetings!"

- wrote Peskov.

As Peskov said earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin will celebrate the New Year in the company of family and friends.