Teller Report

"Move to hospital" 22 critically ill patients died... "I don't have a bed to go to"

12/24/2021, 1:08:36 PM

Conflict continued in the medical field today over the fact that 20 days have passed since symptoms appeared among patients in critically ill Corona virus that were transferred to a general ward.


Conflict continued in the medical field today (24th) over the fact that 20 days after symptoms appeared among patients in critically ill Corona virus were transferred to a general ward. It was confirmed that 22 of the 210 patients who received the government's administrative order died within a few days.

For more details, this is reporter Park Jae-hyun.

<Reporter> A

total of 98 patients were either discharged from the intensive care unit according to government orders or are currently undergoing transfer procedures.

This is 47% of the 210 people who received government orders, an increase of 9 more than yesterday.

Still, 66 people are refusing to relocate.

The quarantine authorities also said that 22 of the remaining patients were confirmed to have died recently.

An official from the quarantine authorities explained, "At the time the government ordered it on the 20th, all were identified as being under treatment, but they were identified as 'dead' during the three days after receiving responses from hospitals."

The specific cause of death in the patients is unknown.

However, it is possible that some of these people were in such a state that they could not recover.

They sent a government order without knowing the specifics of the patient's condition.

The quarantine authorities emphasized the fact that 'treatment continues after moving to the hospital room' today.

[Lee Ki-il / Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters 1st Controller: Moving from the Corona ward to the general ward.

We will also ask for your attention again about misunderstandings or misinformation that seem to stop treatment.] The

reality is that finding a room to move to is not easy.

[Doctors at a senior general hospital in Seoul: In most cases, the general intensive care unit is reduced, and the personnel and facilities there are removed and converted to a corona bed.

Even cardiac arrest patients do not have an intensive care unit to be hospitalized (this is the situation.)] On-

site medical staff say that it is essential to select critically ill patients with low transmission power and empty the ward. He emphasized that giving should come first.

(Video editing: Kim Ho-jin)

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