Teller Report

The headquarters of "Avvenire" in green for solidarity with migrants on the border between Belarus and Poland

12/22/2021, 5:43:40 PM

The "Let's give light to solidarity" campaign Share December 22, 2021 In these days of Christmas and until January 10, the facade of the headquarters of the newspaper "Avvenire" will be illuminated in green in line with the campaign "Let's give light to solidarity" born on the pages of the newspaper directed by Marco Tarquinio: an invitation to all citizens and organizations to turn on a green light in windows, balconies, nativity scenes and


December 22, 2021 In these days of Christmas and until January 10, the facade of the headquarters of the newspaper "Avvenire" will be illuminated in green in line with the campaign "Let's give light to solidarity" born on the pages of the newspaper directed by Marco Tarquinio: an invitation to all citizens and organizations to turn on a green light in windows, balconies, nativity scenes and Christmas trees, as a sign of solidarity with the thousands of migrants forced to live in the border areas between Belarus and Poland and Lithuania.

The origin of this testimony of solidarity is due precisely to some Polish families who have begun to light green lanterns in their windows to welcome refugees: the lanterns aim to remember and honor the ancient and elementary duty of aid and hospitality and express closeness to the refugees pushed to the border, men, women and children in fact held hostage.