Teller Report

About the Arabic tongue... The paradoxes of the proper pronunciation of letters

12/18/2021, 6:00:01 PM

Many people lack jealousy for their mother tongue, Arabic, as they do not care to speak Standard Arabic, as they are afraid, or ashamed of it, so that many people do not accuse them of being hard and ranting.

Many people lack jealousy for their mother tongue, as they do not care to speak Standard Arabic, as they are afraid, or ashamed of it, so that many people do not accuse them of being tough and ranting (out of arrogance and education), and going out of the ordinary, and some of them laugh at their “do.” That is, but when they speak in a language other than their own, such as English, for example, on the contrary, you see them get high and investigate accuracy in grammar rules, pronunciation and letter exits, and they consider failure to fulfill and abide by that a defect from which they hide modesty and intimidation.

And the introduction of some English words while speaking in Arabic is a strong indication of their high cognitive and cultural capabilities as they imagine, even if they pronounce some letters wrong, they do not differentiate, for example, between the pronunciation of the letter “P” “heavy” and the letter “B” “light”, in their saying “PURE”. And “PEOPLE” and “PAPER”, for example, pronounce the letter “P” “light” as it is in the Arabic tongue, which leads to confusion for the listener who speaks English as his mother tongue, for example.

What is surprising is that many of those who count on science and knowledge, do not strive to practice the correct pronunciation of some letters such as qaf, dal, tha and za, until they get used to that, and some of them lead people in prayer boldly with premeditation and insistence, and do not show any diligence in knowing that by simple practice. On the correct pronunciation, and some of them are over 60 years old, and therefore guidance and indoctrination are not possible with them, so the intended meaning is mixed up and may even be completely corrupted.

On this occasion, I will tell here a funny story. It is that an Arab traveled to America, and once while he was driving, he stopped an American pedestrian and the latter was apparently suffering from a mental disorder, and the Arab asked him literally in English, "Can he stop here?" He means to stop in his car (Can l "bark" here?) He means the word "park" with the letter "P" "heavy", which means "to stop", and the word "bark" with the letter "B" "light" means "bark" in English, So the American citizen spontaneously understood that the man was asking him “what can he bark there!” The response in English came quickly and shockingly, “This is a free country, you can bark in it however he wants you to bark, there is no harm in that at all!”, and our American friend continued his calmly walking , marveling at the reservation of that tourist in reluctance to carry out his legitimate right in a free country!, all amid the confusion of our Arab brother, who did not understand anything at all.

We return to our talk about Arabic, so what is surprising is that many of those who are credited with knowledge and knowledge do not strive to practice the correct pronunciation of some letters such as qaf, dhaal, thaa and za, until they get used to that, and some of them lead people in prayer boldly with premeditation and insistence, and do not show any diligence. Knowing this is by practicing simple correct pronunciation, and some of them are over the age of 60, and therefore guidance and indoctrination are not possible with them, so the intended meaning is mixed up and may even be completely corrupted. The last of the seduction of any delusion and submission to passion.

The heart of

"pollinator" "Ghina" negligence and Tsepa, ignorance and disregard, especially in reading the

Koran, is unacceptable,

in the

verse "Show us the

straight path" flips when many of

them to "Almstgam", and some of them can not pollinator pronounce correctly in the

word rectum Whatever it was, his tongue was imprinted on the pronunciation of the qaf "Gina" for a long time from his early childhood, without supervision or remembrance, despite the fact that he had good luck with education. And their saying likewise, “Ghula sghila” in the verse “Indeed, we will cast a heavy word on you.”

And the Lord Almighty in his precise revelation says “or add to it and recite the Qur’an into a recitation.” Among the meanings of the recitation - as is well known - is to give the letter its right and its due; Pronunciation and recitation.

The same applies to the letter Thaa, which is pronounced Sina by some people in different countries, as well as the letter Dal, which is pronounced Zaya, and the strange thing is that some “educated” - and they have reached a very old age - do not know that the person should stick out his tongue a little in order to straighten the pronunciation. For example, in the Almighty’s saying “and he called out in the darkness” there is a difference in pronunciation that the listener clarifies in the case if the reader took out his tongue or did not bring it out in his pronunciation of the word “darkness”, even if he was not seen doing so, and thus the case applies to the letter of the subjunctive and thu.

We also find a wide gap in the pronunciation of the letter Thaa for many people in the word Al-Kawthar, which they pronounce “Al-Kusar” and the word Al-Thamrat is pronounced “Al-Samrat” and in their saying “Al-Zein” in the Zai from the verse “The path of those whom you have blessed,” and fire “Zat” is a flame in the verse “will pray.” A fire with a flame,” and this is what happens among many in many countries.

It is the ultimate in idleness and indifference, and reliance on ignorance, as a person should - especially if he is "educated" - present his reading of the Holy Qur'an to those who have been given knowledge in the recitation sessions, for example, before it is too late, for the believer is the mirror of his brother, and this is one of the fastest ways to test And self-examination, if this casting is permissible.

It is surprising that there are those who melodiously recite the Noble Qur’an, and they lead the people in prayer for a number of years, and no one dared to confront him with the bitter truth during this period of the few worshipers who realize this sinful defect, for their indifference to it, and perhaps for fear of blame or embarrassment. Yes, they fear people, and God has more right to fear Him.

And among them are those who count on knowledge and knowledge as we mentioned earlier, but he does not realize that he does not realize that, for he lives in an illusion and a delusion in light of the certainty of some people around him of his competence, and their “assurance” to him in some way that he will realize - inevitably - the truth of what is happening if There were denounced errors, so if there was in the matter - in their perception - what required objection and guidance, their owner would not hesitate to do so by virtue of his “education”, and they are a people who do not know.

The most harmful thing to this nation and hurting it at the core of its heart - in our time - is neglect, laziness and dependency at times, and neglect, delusion and “slackness” at other times, in light of the heedlessness or “fear” of some of the adults who are in charge of the matter, in contrast to what is the case in other countries. Which is jealous of the language of the Noble Qur’an, where the accuracy and integrity of it is closely scrutinized, at least as a form of endearment and encouragement, starting from the early school stages of young people, so that one’s belief in his religion and its legacies is subsequently consolidated according to his ability to know the vocabulary of his Arabic tongue, pronunciation and spelling, meaning and understanding;

Especially when he dives into the depths of the depths, to reassure his heart with certainty above certainty.