Teller Report

A ship collision in the Baltic Sea left 2 people missing, and one of the ships had a fuel leak

12/13/2021, 1:40:34 PM

China News Service, December 13th. According to the Russian Satellite Network report, on the 13th local time, a British cargo ship and a Danish cargo ship collided in the Baltic Sea. Two people have been missing. One of the ships had fuel oil. leakage.   According to reports, the collision occurred in the waters between Ystad, Sweden and Bornholm, Denmark. After the collision, the Danish cargo

  China News Service, December 13th. According to the Russian Satellite Network report, on the 13th local time, a British cargo ship and a Danish cargo ship collided in the Baltic Sea. Two people have been missing. One of the ships had fuel oil. leakage.

  According to reports, the collision occurred in the waters between Ystad, Sweden and Bornholm, Denmark.

After the collision, the Danish cargo ship capsized and a fuel leak occurred.

According to local media, the cargo ship that leaked oil will be towed to shore.

  In addition, the accident also caused two people to fall into the water.

The report cited information from the Danish media that the missing person may have come from a Danish cargo ship.

  The Press Office of the Swedish Maritime Department stated that at present, there are 8 ships and 1 helicopter in the sea area involved in search and rescue work.

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