Teller Report

NY Dow Jones Industrial Average rises over $ 300 at one point

11/29/2021, 9:48:05 PM

[NHK] The New York stock market on November 29, the beginning of the week, has restricted economic activity in the United States as a countermeasure against a new mutant virus confirmed in South Africa ...

The New York stock market on November 29th has eased concerns about restrictions on economic activity in the United States as a countermeasure against a new mutant virus confirmed in South Africa, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average temporarily exceeds $ 300. The price has increased.

In addition, international crude oil futures prices have risen in the crude oil market.

In the New York stock market last weekend, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted due to growing caution about the economic impact of the new mutant virus "Omicron stock", but President Biden said at a press conference on November 29, he is out at the moment. By showing the recognition that we are not thinking about "lockdown" that strictly restricts such things, the sense of caution that economic activities will be restricted has eased.

As a result, the Dow Jones Industrial Average temporarily rose by more than $ 300, closing at $ 35,135,94, up $ 236,60 from last weekend.

The Nasdaq stock index, which has many IT-related stocks, also rose 1.8%.

In the New York crude oil market, WTI futures, which is an international indicator of crude oil prices, fell to the $ 67 level last weekend, but on the 29th, there was a move to buy back and temporarily rose to the $ 72 level.

Market officials said, "There is a lot of interest in how much economic activity will be restricted by the spread of mutant virus infection. For the time being, it will be a nervous price movement that depends on information such as virus infectivity and measures taken by each country. That's right. "

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