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"Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" China will enter the moderate aging experts to offer advice on aging work

11/27/2021, 4:11:36 AM, Beijing, November 26 (Reporter Li Jinlei) "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and State Council on Strengthening Work on Aging in the New Era" was released recently. On November 25, at the "Implementation of the National Strategy to Actively Address the Ageing of Population" academic seminar held in Beijing, many authoritative population experts and scholars offered ideas and s, Beijing, November 26 (Reporter Li Jinlei) "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and State Council on Strengthening Work on Aging in the New Era" was released recently.

On November 25, at the "Implementation of the National Strategy to Actively Address the Ageing of Population" academic seminar held in Beijing, many authoritative population experts and scholars offered ideas and suggestions for future work on aging.

The "Implementation of the National Strategy for Active Response to Population Aging" academic seminar was held in Beijing on November 25.

Photo courtesy of the organizer

  During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, China's population of elderly people aged 60 and above is expected to exceed 300 million, accounting for more than 20% of the total population. my country will enter a moderately aging society.

  Zhai Zhenwu, president of the Chinese Society of Demography and a professor at Renmin University of China, said that China will soon enter a moderately aging society. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party has raised the implementation of active responses to population aging as a national strategy.

The "Opinions" made a new deployment of work on aging, and proposed a path to actively respond to population aging with Chinese characteristics. This means that no one has walked this path and we need to create it. This is an arduous task.

  Wu Cangping, honorary first-class professor of Renmin University of China and professor of the Institute of Gerontology, believes that the release of the "Opinions" has important policy, theoretical, and world significance, indicating that the central government attaches great importance to population aging and reflects population aging with Chinese characteristics. Chemical response strategy.

It takes a lot of effort to deal with the aging of the population and cannot be taken lightly, but it is also necessary to remain optimistic and confident that this problem can be solved.

  Wu Yushao, member of the Party Group of the National Office for Aging and Vice President of the China Association of Aging, pointed out that the "Opinions" is not only a programmatic document to guide the work of aging in the new era, but also a highly operational document to solve the problem of "emergency and worry" for the elderly. There are many bright spots and innovations. The understanding of the status and role of aging work has been raised to an unprecedented new height, and the experience and principles of aging work have been comprehensively summarized. In related content, breakthroughs have been made in policies and measures for education for the elderly, and substantial measures have also been proposed for the elderly, and so on.

  Li Zhihong, director of the Policy Research Office of the China Association of Aging, believes that the "Opinions" proposes to "integrate the concept of positive aging and healthy aging into the whole process of economic and social development" and establish two concepts. The concept of positive aging can reduce the opportunity cost of responding to population aging. , The concept of healthy aging can reduce sunk costs.

  Lu Jiehua, vice president of the Chinese Population Society and professor of the Department of Sociology at Peking University, discussed the understanding of the issue of high-quality development of elderly care services with a new perspective of common prosperity.

He believes that with the high-quality development of elderly care services, the future elderly care services must be "richer, higher quality, higher-level, more convenient, and lower-cost."

  Feng Wenmeng, researcher and director of the Research Office of the Development Research Center of the State Council, said that the aging process has accelerated during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and generational changes have also brought new changes.

With the advancement of urbanization, the number of elderly people in urban areas will further surpass those in rural areas, and we should cover both urban and rural areas; in the future, it is necessary to redefine the elderly and their lifestyles and form a consensus on their ideas.

Socio-physical conditions need to consider changes in the population structure, and it is necessary to promote the ageing transformation from the three aspects of home, community, and urban and rural infrastructure.

  Lin Bao, a researcher at the Institute of Population and Labor Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, suggested that the implementation of the national strategy to actively respond to the aging of the population needs to deal with several relationships. The first is the relationship between tradition and modernity. The social and cultural environment is suitable for the elderly; the second is the relationship between rights and obligations to promote the participation of the elderly in society; the third is a fair and efficient relationship, and a good mechanism for the elderly to share the fruits of social development; the fourth is a comprehensive and focused relationship, focusing on solving the elderly The key problem facing people.

  Du Peng, vice president of Renmin University of China and director of the Institute of Gerontology, said that active responses to population aging with Chinese characteristics should be based on China's national conditions.

Our country has a large population base, and it is not feasible to copy the experience of other countries.

We should continue to make up for shortcomings, continue to broaden the path of Chinese characteristics, actively respond to the aging of the population, and explore and gradually find a path that suits China's national conditions.

It is necessary to take root in traditional Chinese culture and give full play to the role and value of the elderly, including being able to do things, provide for the elderly, and enjoy the elderly. This is also an important part of the work for the elderly in the new era.

  This academic seminar was jointly organized by the Institute of Gerontology of Renmin University of China, the Chinese Society of Demography, and the task force of "Implementing the National Strategy for Active Response to Population Aging".


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