Teller Report

Traffic light plans: Up to five years imprisonment for proof of vaccination

11/16/2021, 8:55:38 PM

Forgers of corona tests, recovery or vaccination certificates are threatened with up to five years in prison. This provides for a draft for the future Corona regulations. The knowledgeable use of falsified evidence is therefore also punishable.

According to the plans of the traffic light parties, forgers of corona tests, recovery or vaccination certificates are threatened with up to five years in prison in the worst case.

This provides for a draft for the future Corona regulations, which are to be decided in the Bundestag on Thursday.

The draft, which was available to the German Press Agency, was discussed in the main committee of the Bundestag on Tuesday evening.

According to this, the production and also the knowledgeable use of not only falsified vaccination certificates should be punishable in the future.

The regulation clarifies the criminal liability in the event that an "unauthorized person" issues a test, it is said.

The knowledgeable use of false test evidence "with the purpose of deception" is also punishable.

In particularly serious cases of “unauthorized issuing of health certificates”, if “the perpetrator acts on a commercial basis or as a member of a gang”, imprisonment should be possible from three months to five years.

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