Teller Report

The Ministry of Health clarifies the procedure for the operation of QR codes for patients after vaccination

11/16/2021, 1:38:26 PM

The Russian Ministry of Health clarified in its order the procedure for the operation of QR codes after vaccination against coronavirus infection or postponed COVID-19.

It is noted that a QR code should be displayed in the upper left corner of the help, as well as the certificate number.

The document says that the QR code contains data on the completion of vaccination or the fact of the transferred COVID-19 disease, "with the latest date of the event."

In addition, the QR code contains information about the expiration date.

As TASS clarifies, the QR code of the vaccinated in case of his infection after vaccination will be replaced in the certificate with the QR code of the patient who has recovered, the validity of the code will be six months.

Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Health approved the form of a certificate of vaccination against coronavirus infection COVID-19 and the existing contraindications for vaccination.

Virologist Yevgeny Timakov, in an interview with FAN, gave a forecast on the situation with COVID-19 before the New Year holidays.