Teller Report

Borrell told the details of the conversation with the Foreign Minister of Belarus

11/16/2021, 8:01:34 PM

The head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said that during a telephone conversation with Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei, he called for the restoration of security in the territories bordering the EU.

Borrell wrote about this on Twitter.

“I called for immediate action to restore security in the border regions of Belarus with the EU and to resolve the humanitarian problems of the people there,” he said.

Earlier it was reported that Makei and Borrell discussed the migration crisis on the border of Belarus with the EU countries.

During the conversation, Makei reiterated Belarus' commitment to a joint search for solutions to existing problems, including an early settlement of the migration crisis.

The position of Belarus on the inadmissibility of the sanctions was also highlighted.

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