Teller Report

The night ends in Turin: the Morrione Prize investigations are back

10/27/2021, 9:36:57 AM

As part of the event, the themes of the five finalist surveys will be revealed, it will be possible to preview them and exclusively and the winning survey will be awarded


26 October 2021

The award days of the Roberto Morrione Prize for investigative journalism are


from Thursday 28 to Saturday 30 October

. They will take place in


, at the Circolo dei conti and in OGR Turin, and



The event will close the celebrations of the

tenth anniversary of the birth of the Morrione Prize

and has been awarded the

medal of the President of the Republic

, recognition attributed to initiatives considered to be of particular cultural, scientific, artistic, sporting or social interest.

Inspired by the novel by Louis-Ferdinand Céline, the organizers chose as the theme "

At the end of the night. Transition in the 21st century

". The questions that will be sought for an answer are" Have we finally reached the end of the night? What transition is our century going through? And what night is investigative journalism living in Italy? "

53 speakers

will respond

: journalists, experts, communicators, academics, representatives of the civil society of our country.

The three days are promoted by the Amici di Roberto Morrione association and by RAI, with the patronage of the Chamber of Deputies, the collaboration of the Circolo dei readers Foundation, OGR Torino and the Order of Journalists of Piedmont. For the first time, the themes of the finalist surveys carried out by the under 30s who reached the final of the tenth edition of the Morrione Prize will be unveiled and by registering on it will be possible to see them in preview and exclusively during the three days of the award.

The program

Thursday 28 October

It starts on Thursday 28 October at 8.45 pm at the Circolo dei Leggi tutto with the

evening dedicated to Patrick Zaki

and human rights in Egypt; after the greetings Elena Loewenthal, director of the Circolo dei readers Foundation, will speak Laura Silvia Battaglia, freelance journalist, Rai Radio 3, Washington Post, Riccardo Noury, spokesperson for Amnesty International Italia, Azzurra Meringolo Scarfoglio, foreign journalist Rai 1 and GR Rai, Cecilia Scolari, Station to Station representative. Hosted by Iman Sabbah, Rai correspondent from Paris. The event is organized in collaboration with Amnesty Italia and 6000 Sardines.

Friday 29 October

The day opens with two live broadcasts of Radio Rai:

at 9.05 Mara Filippi Morrione, spokesperson for the Award, and the finalists take part in the Radio Anch'io broadcast of Rai Radio 1 conducted by Giorgio Zanchini;

at 10.00 the theme of the

long night of investigative journalism will be addressed.

The whole city talks about Rai Radio 3 conducted by Pietro Del Soldà.

From 10:00 to 13.00 at the Circolo dei readers, in via Bogino 9, the meeting is held:

Beyond the city, after the pandemic. Rewriting, re-reading, reshaping the paradigms of life associated

with Alessandra Battisti, professor of Architecture Technology at the University of La Sapienza in Rome, and Valentina Boschetto Doorly, tourism manager and futurist. Hosted by Stefano Lamorgese, Rai3 Report journalist.

In the afternoon, from 17.00 to 19.00, the debate is held "

At the end of the night: ecological transition, sustainability and challenges for the economy

"with Silvana Dalmazzone, professor of Environmental Economics and Natural Resources at the University of Turin, Elisa Gallo, president of Fiab Torino Bike Pride, Davide Mattiello, garbage man and president of Benvenuti in Italia, Roberto Sommella, director of Milano Finanza. Led by Eva Giovannini, journalist of Rainews24.


Afghanistan: tonight we look at the stars

"is the title of the evening that opens at 8.45 pm at the Circolo dei Leggi di Leggi di ricerca by the writer Ali Ehsani and continues with the testimonies of the correspondents in Kabul: Emanuele Giordana, journalist and president of the Afghan association, Francesca Mannocchi, journalist and documentary maker, Giampaolo Musumeci, author and presenter of No place is far Radio 24, and Barbara Schiavulli, director of Radio Bullets, hosted by Pietro Del Soldà, Rai Radio 3.

Saturday 30 October

The day opens at 10.00 with Luca Scuccimarra, professor of History of political doctrines of the La Sapienza University of Rome, Telmo Pievani, professor of Philosophy of Biological Sciences at the University of Padua, led by Stefano Lamorgese, journalist Report Rai 3. The morning work closes at 13.00.

From 16.00 to 17.00 Cecilia Strada, communication manager of Resq - People Saving People, and the journalist of Avvenire Nello Scavo meet the finalists of the Morrione Prize in the panel "

Beyond the night, witnesses of our time


Following the

presentation of the five investigations

of the 10th edition of the Prize with the nine finalists under 30 (Anna Berti Suman, Giovanni Culmone, Matteo Garavoglia, Youssef Hassan Holgado, Tobias Hochstöger, Pietro Mecarozzi, David Ognibene, Jacopo Ottenga Barattucci, Arianna Organtini) and their tutors (Laura Silvia Battaglia, Francesca Mannocchi, Giampaolo Musumeci, Danilo Procaccianti, Barbara Schiavulli, Francesco Cavalli, Pietro Ferri, Stefano Lamorgese, Giulio Vasaturo). Marino Sinibaldi, president of the Center for books and reading, leads the whole afternoon.

You pass in OGR Torino, Corso Castelfidardo n. 22, for the

final evening of


awards ceremony

of the tenth edition of the Morrione Prize, with the assignment of the awards to the finalist surveys and their authors, of

the Baffo Rosso Prize to Sigfrido Ranucci

and the



of the Roberto Morrione Award


Cecilia Strada


The evening is conducted by Marino Sinibaldi, president of the Center for books and reading, and on stage there will be: Valerio Aprea, actor, Paola Barretta, researcher at the Pavia Observatory and Rome Charter, Mauro Biani, cartoonist, Giovanni Celsi, president ass. Friends of Roberto Morrione, Luigi Ciotti, president of Free Names and Numbers against the mafias, Francesco De Vitis, deputy director of Radio 1 Rai, Mara Filippi Morrione, spokesperson for the Amici di Roberto Morrione association, Gian Mario Gillio, journalist of Riforma - Settimanale delle Baptist, Methodist and Waldensian churches, Giuseppe Giulietti, president of the FNSI and president of the Morrione Prize jury, Stefano Marroni, head of the Rai press office, Andrea Montanari, director of Rai Radio 3, Simona Sala, director of Radio 1 and GR Radio Rai, Andrea Vianello, director of Rainews24.The musical interventions will be by the singer-songwriter Federico Bianco.

The evening is broadcast live on the Morrione Prize Youtube and Facebook channel.

Credits for journalists

Most of the events grant training credits to journalists who register through the Sigef platform.

How to participate

Free admission both in person and online.

- The meetings - from the evening of Thursday 28 October to the afternoon of Saturday 30 - are held at the Circolo dei readers in via Bogino n. 9. Admission is free but places are limited and reservations are required: by telephone at + 39 011 8904401 or by email, at specifying the names and telephone numbers of the participants.

- The awards ceremony on Saturday 30 October takes place in OGR Torino in Corso Castelfidardo n.

22 from 21.00 to 23.00.

Admission is free while seats in the hall are exhausted.

- To participate in online meetings linked to our facebook page or our youtube channel.