Teller Report

The Voice: why Laurent Voulzy refused to be a juror, but would have liked to be a candidate

10/24/2021, 11:11:04 AM

At the microphone of Isabelle Morizet in the show "There is not only one life in life" Sunday, the singer-songwriter Laurent Voulzy looks back on his personal and professional journey. And in particular the proposal that was made to him to be a juror of the show & quot; The Voice & quot ;, at the launch of the French version.

Alexis Patri 1:00 p.m., October 24, 2021

At the microphone of Isabelle Morizet in the program "There is not only one life in life" Sunday, the singer-songwriter Laurent Voulzy looks back on his personal and professional career.

And in particular the proposal which was made to him to be juror of the emission "The Voice", at the launch of the French version.


The Voice

wanted him on their team.

When the French version of telecrochet was launched in 2012, Laurent Voulzy was approached to be part of the jury.

We even insist.

But the singer refuses.

However, it is very far from being against the emissions of singing competitions, as he explains it Sunday on Europe 1, on the occasion of his invitation in the emission of Isabelle Morizet 

There is not that a lifetime in a lifetime


Two reasons come to explain the refusal of Laurent Voulzy.

>> Find Isabelle Morizet's shows every weekend from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on Europe 1 as well as in podcast and replay here

“The first reason was that, really, I was on a different project. I knew I wouldn't have time to do both. I was told that yes, I could. But I knew. that the slowness with which I work would prevent me from devoting myself to two things of this magnitude at the same time ", indicates the singer-songwriter.

"And the second thing is, I didn't feel like I was good at judging people. I absolutely don't criticize what they do. I'm not saying that I wouldn't do someday. But, when you get me. asked, I didn't feel it saying who was good or not good. I didn't feel this stuff. "

A singing competition won at 17

Laurent Voulzy insists: he "absolutely does not criticize the principle or people who come to singing competitions, or jurors".

It must be said that he himself participated in singing competitions, although they were not televised.

"I was on vacation in Saint-Brevin, I was 17. And there was a car passing by announcing with a loudspeaker a big singing competition on the market place", remembers the artist.

"My mother told me to go, I said no. I was with a friend who was part of the band I was playing in the suburbs. My mother insisted so much that we introduced ourselves. And we won. "


Laurent Voulzy: "My life is a mixture of electric guitar and mystique!"

The future singer-songwriter then won a right to audition at Pathé-Marconi.

"I went there at least a year and a half later. And they thought it was good. I don't know why, but I did not follow up", he is surprised today. .

"But there would have been a

The Voice

 in my day, maybe I would have signed up."

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