Teller Report

Champions League: Horoya qualified in group stage, not ASEC

10/24/2021, 9:47:40 PM

Horoya AC will be one of sixteen teams that will compete in the group stage of the African Champions League. The Guinean club qualified by beating Stade Malien 2-1 on October 24, 2021 ...

Champions League: Horoya qualified in group stage, not ASEC

The teams qualified in the group stage of the CAF Champions League 2021-2022.

© Courtesy of CAF

Text by: David Kalfa Follow

2 min

Horoya AC will be one of sixteen teams that will compete in the group stage of the African Champions League.

The Guinean club qualified by beating Stade Malien 2-1 on October 24, 2021 in the second round return.

On the other hand, the Ivorian formation ASEC Mimosas was narrowly exited by a CR Belouizdad winner 2-0.


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We know the sixteen teams that will play the group stage of the Champions League (C1) 2021-2022 and the sixteen who will have to be content with the round of the Confederation Cup.

This October 24, in fact, ended the second round of the C1.

A Sunday marked by the 6-1 demonstration of Wydad Casablanca (Morocco) against Hearts of Oak (Ghana).

But that will have been the only big victory of the day.

The other confrontations were indeed generally tight, like that between CR Belouizdad and ASEC Mimosas.

ASEC and FC Nouadhibou narrowly escaped

Winners 2-0, the Algerians qualified thanks to the goal they scored in the first leg in a 3-1 loss to the Ivorians.

A rule of the goal scored away which was also fatal to FC Nouadhibou, beaten 2-0 on the lawn of the Entente sportive sétifienne (Algeria), as well as to Simba SC (Tanzania), defeated 3-1 in return via Jwaneng Galaxy (Botswana).

Horoya will still be there

Even the double confrontation between Esperance de Tunis and Al Ittihad (Libya) was undecided (0-0 in the first leg and 1-0 in the return).

Mamelodi Sundowns (South Africa), 2-0 scorers from AS Maniema Union (DRC), and Horoya (Guinea), who ruled out Stade Malien 2-1, had a little less trouble passing.

For the Guinean club, it is also a confirmation.

The Conakry training was already present in the group stage of the 2020-2021 Champions League.



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