Teller Report

Yandex.News began to label media materials recognized by foreign agents

10/15/2021, 1:52:14 PM

Yandex.News began to label media materials recognized by foreign agents. This is stated in a statement by the company.

“Yes, we confirm.

Yandex.News is a news aggregator.

In accordance with paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Art.

10.4 of the Law “On Information”, we are obliged to comply with the provisions on the procedure for distributing media and labeling messages from publications recognized as foreign agents, ”RIA Novosti quotes the company's response.

Now, after the title of the media entered in the relevant register, there is a marker “Foreign agent” and an expanding arrow with the words: “This message was created / disseminated by foreign media performing the functions of a foreign agent”.

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Justice added to the register of foreign media agents.