Teller Report

Closing of the G20 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting: Achieving Food Security in Multiple Dimensions

9/18/2021, 9:33:24 PM

On September 18, local time, the two-day G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting closed in Florence, Italy and issued a communiqué, reiterating its commitment to achieving food security within the framework of the three dimensions of economic, social and environmental sustainability.   The G20 Agriculture Ministers' Communiqué mentioned that countries need to coordinate and effective measures to dea

  On September 18, local time, the two-day G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting closed in Florence, Italy and issued a communiqué, reiterating its commitment to achieving food security within the framework of the three dimensions of economic, social and environmental sustainability.

  The G20 Agriculture Ministers' Communiqué mentioned that countries need to coordinate and effective measures to deal with the impact of climate change, extreme weather, parasites, animal and plant diseases, and the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

All parties agree not to take any unreasonable restrictive measures that may cause extreme volatility in international food market prices and thereby threaten food security.

  The meeting communique stated at the beginning that the members of the G20 are committed to achieving food security and nutrition for all, and ensuring that the food system is sustainable and adaptable, and that no one is left behind.

  The communiqué pointed out that in the past few decades, even if various risks persisted, the global agriculture and food system has made significant progress in food production and improved food supply and access.

However, six years have passed since the United Nations General Assembly adopted the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", and a quarter of the world's population is still food insecure. The new crown pneumonia epidemic has exacerbated this situation.

  The members of the G20 recognize that a sustainable and adaptive food system is the foundation of food security and nutrition, which contributes to a healthy and balanced diet, poverty eradication, sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystem conservation, and mitigation. Adapt to climate change.

  The communiqué also stated that member states will promote agricultural practices and technologies that are both productive and sustainable and driven by science and data, adapt measures to local conditions, protect natural resources, achieve sustainable land management, stop and reverse biodiversity loss, and promote mitigation. And adapt to climate change.

  Patuanelli, Minister of Agriculture of Italy, the rotating presidency of the Group of Twenty, answered questions from reporters on the scene at a press conference held after the meeting on "how to narrow the gap in food security between different countries".

  Patuanelli said that FAO can help member countries deal with problems more effectively, and third-party agencies can inspire national government agencies to take action.

He believes that in addition to holding annual meetings, it is more important that each country can provide other countries with beneficial experiences related to food acquisition, and allow countries with food security to cooperate with countries that have difficulties in this regard.

(Headquarters reporter Deng Zongyu)