Teller Report

Covid-19: after a long hesitation, the United Kingdom gives up the vaccine passport

9/13/2021, 10:08:11 AM

After long weeks of procrastination, the British government finally abandoned the idea of ​​introducing a vaccine passport to access nightclubs and large-scale gatherings. Boris Johnson gave in to opposition parties and rebel Conservative MPs.

Anaïs Cordoba, edited by Clément Perruche 11:56 a.m., September 13, 2021

After long weeks of procrastination, the British government finally abandoned the idea of ​​introducing a vaccine passport to access nightclubs and large-scale gatherings.

Boris Johnson gave in to opposition parties and rebel Conservative MPs.

It is an event which made the front page of the British press on Monday.

After a long hesitation, the British "vaccine passport", the equivalent of the French health pass, was abandoned by the government of Boris Johnson.

Supposed to come into force at the end of the month in England, the "vaccine passport" was to "limit the entry of nightclubs and other large-scale events to people fully vaccinated", explains the

Daily Telegraph


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Boris Johnson gives in to the opposition

After having procrastinated for a long time on a question which divides up to the highest summit of the State, the government, under pressure, has finally decided, decrypts the

BBC site

. As the


reminds us

, the health pass has against it the opposition parties but also dozens of conservative deputies. Boris Johnson made "a major concession to the rebels of his party", judges the


, which adds that "the Prime Minister was also reassured" by his scientific advisers who affirm that the vaccination will be a rather effective protection this winter.

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