Teller Report

"Saltön" actor Anki Larsson dead

8/30/2021, 7:34:59 AM

Anki Larsson, who participated in Saltön and Sommaren with the family, is dead. - We have lost a fantastic actress and a wonderful person, says her agent Birgitta Rönnhedh to TT.

Anki Larsson was born in Stockholm.

She studied at Skara School Stage 1973–1974 and then continued her studies at the State Stage School in Stockholm 1975–1978.

Since then, she has been involved with the Riksteatern, Västernorrlands Regionteater, Fria Proteatern, Fria Teatern and Dockteatern Tittut.

After decades as an actress with many memorable roles on stage, television and film, she made a major breakthrough through the television series "Salt Island", where she played the role of Emily.

Her most recent appearances were in the international drama comedy Bergman Island, which premieres later this fall, and the TV series We got this.

Anki Larsson fell asleep after a period of illness with her immediate family by her side. She turned 67 years old.