Teller Report

Malnourished baby turtle, stomach full of 'plastic waste'

8/23/2021, 9:05:37 AM

<Oh! Click> The second search term is 'Plastic swallowed turtle'. This is a baby turtle that was recently rescued from the West Sea of ​​Phuket, Thailand. At the time of discovery, the tortoise was severely malnourished. X-rays revealed that the turtle's stomach was full of marine debris such as vinyl and plastic.

<Oh! Click> The second search term is 'Plastic swallowed turtle'.

This is a baby turtle that was recently rescued from the West Sea of ​​Phuket, Thailand.

At the time of discovery, the tortoise was severely malnourished. X-rays revealed that the turtle's stomach was full of marine debris such as vinyl and plastic.

Because of this, my intestines were blocked and I couldn't eat.

Officials from local authorities fed the turtles through tubes and helped them to dispose of the waste, which weighed as much as 60 grams. Of the 158 pieces of garbage, 57 percent were plastic and 37 percent plastic.

Every year in Thailand, animals that have been killed by swallowing marine debris have been found.

In 2018, a whale with 8 kg of garbage in its stomach was found, and in 2019, a dugong was found that died after eating a 20 cm piece of plastic.

Netizens commented, "The fact that marine creatures are in danger is the result of humans pursuing only convenience." "The fish we eat must have grown up eating plastic too? Let's practice environmental protection before regretting it." showed a reaction.

(Screen source: Facebook DMCRTH)