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Västerås Cathedral celebrates 750 years - type

8/15/2021, 5:13:59 AM

On 16 August 1271, Västerås Cathedral was rededicated - on the site it is today. During the week, the Church of Sweden celebrated its 750th anniversary corona-safe without pomp and circumstance.

Cathedral Chaplain Peter Forsberg

- The cathedral in the form it was in the 13th century, still much smaller than what it looks like today, it was rededicated exactly 750 years ago, says Peter Forsberg who is the cathedral chapel in Västerås cathedral.

Although the diocese of Västerås is mentioned as early as 1103 and the location of that cathedral is not known.

So the celebration is for the cathedral that stands where it stands today.

In the clip, you can follow Västerås Cathedral's slightly more inaccessible rooms and hear about its history.