Teller Report

Message on Telegram: Eric Clapton does not want to appear if vaccination is compulsory

7/22/2021, 12:22:41 PM

The musician Eric Clapton again expresses criticism of the British government's corona measures. This time he wants to cancel shows if the participating audience has to be vaccinated.

Eric Clapton does not want to perform if the concert can only be attended with proof of vaccination.

The musician had this communicated via the Telegram channel of the Italian architect, film producer and vaccine opponent Robin Monotti Graziadei, as reported by the American trade journal Variety.

Accordingly, Clapton's statement referred to the announcement by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on July 19 that visitors are only allowed to enter clubs and venues if they can show a Covid passport for their full vaccination. Clapton protested in his statement: “I want to announce that I will not appear on a stage in front of an audience that will be discriminated against. If it is not planned that everyone can come, I reserve the right to cancel the show. "

It is not the first time that Clapton has been critical of the UK government's vaccination and corona measures. In mid-June, he shared a 24-minute video about the consequences of his vaccination with AstraZeneca (“I lay flat a week after and had to postpone a music recording”) and how he met Robin Monotti Graziadei (“He was on Telegram and showed me a channel , with lots of information and lots of support ") and how his family responded to this new information (" I couldn't talk to my children who seem like they have been brainwashed "). The interview was published by “Oracle Films”, a channel that describes itself as a battle platform “for free speech”. There it is next to videos of anti-corona demonstrations.

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