Teller Report

A "dazzling" evolution of the epidemic in Occitania

7/22/2021, 4:37:48 PM

Toulouse and Montpellier are the two French metropolises where the incidence rate is the highest. The early presence of the Delta variant, the proximity to Spain and the presence of

  • In Occitania, the incidence rates have tripled in one week, and in 20-30 year olds exceeds 400 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

  • Montpellier and Toulouse are the French metropolises most affected by the epidemic recovery.

  • The presence of the Delta variant, the proximity to Spain and the presence of tourists in the region are explanations for this outbreak according to the Toulouse engineer Muriel Alvarez.

Ten days ago, the health authorities issued an alert on the resumption of the epidemic in the Pyrénées-Orientales. It now affects the entire Occitania region, in particular Toulouse and Montpellier, the two French metropolises with the highest incidence rate, greatly exceeding the 200 positive Covid cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Two cities where the mask is mandatory outdoors again since Wednesday.

“Across the region, all epidemiological indicators point to an exceptional recovery in the circulation of the virus. The regional incidence rate has tripled in one week and reached 170 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants ”, indicates in its latest bulletin the Regional Health Agency. But the evolution is especially dazzling in 20-30 year olds, less protected because less vaccinated. “However, even if young people are less prone to severe forms, they are not spared from complications, especially long Covid”, continues the health authority. In this age group, the rate of positive cases rose to 404.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the Haute-Garonne department.

If until now the epidemic resumption had not resulted in new hospitalizations, the trend is changing.

And this fourth wave will inevitably result in new serious cases.

“As always since January 2021, everything will depend on the number of people who will be vaccinated.

The more people get vaccinated, the more the wave will be abraded.

Today, we see that the people hospitalized are mostly unvaccinated, ”explains Dr. Muriel Alvarez, infectious disease specialist at Toulouse University Hospital.

Spain, Delta variant and tourists ...

For this specialist, the situation is very different from that of last summer.

If there was no vaccine in July, “we had a favorable epidemiology, with almost zero hospitalized patients, especially in intensive care.

But last summer, we had no variants that were circulating, ”she notes.

The presence of this more transmissible variant in the southwest of France for several weeks is one of the explanations for the outbreak recorded in this part of France.

Just like the proximity to Catalonia, where the Delta circulates a lot.

“If there are more cases here, it is also perhaps because it is a tourist region which attracts more people than the north of France.

It is also a relatively festive region, where people tend to gather together, which is what makes its charm but also its weakness ", insists the infectious disease specialist for whom" the only solution to get by is that of the vaccination ".


📢 The mobile hospital is operational in Barcarès

📍 The healthcare team is in place for 3 days and a half #vaccination without an appointment

📍 the cabinet director @ Prefet66 the chief @ SAMU__31, the departmental director @ARS_OC, the assistant santé @villebarcares visited the structure.

- Prefect of Pyrénées-Orientales (@ Prefet66) July 22, 2021

Over the weekend, at the Toulouse vaccinodrome, more than 20,000 people were vaccinated, and next Saturday, 13,500 doses should be administered on a single day.

Campaigns are also taking place in tourist areas, on the beaches or soon directly in the countryside to encourage holidaymakers who have come to Occitania to be vaccinated.


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  • Languedoc-Roussillon

  • Spain

  • Tourism

  • Delta variant

  • Coronavirus

  • Covid 19

  • Montpellier

  • Toulouse

  • Health

  • epidemic