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Two experts identify 7 tips to maintain the quality of smartphone batteries

7/10/2021, 2:06:57 AM

Two experts in the technology sector identified seven tips to maintain the quality of smart phone batteries, and the most appropriate and safest handling when using them. They explained to «Emirates Today», that these tips are as follows: not to use poor electrical wires and plugs, and not to leave the phone in high places.

They confirmed that it extends the life of the battery and improves the efficiency of the device

Two experts identify 7 tips to maintain the quality of smartphone batteries

Two experts in the technology sector identified seven tips to maintain the quality of smartphone batteries, and the most appropriate and safe handling when using them.

They explained to "Emirates Today", that these tips are as follows: not to use inferior electrical wires and plugs, not to leave the phone in high temperature places, close unnecessary applications that run in the background, use high-quality mobile chargers, and use applications that show battery consumption. Avoid charging misinformation, and don't charge phones near the sleeping place.

quality batteries

In detail, the technical expert and general manager of “Task” company for technical products, Ashraf Fawakherji, said that there are five tips that it is important for smart phone users to follow to maintain the quality of their phone batteries, and to obtain the maximum lifespan of the battery, which ranges in most phones between two years. And four years, after which it is preferable to change the batteries in the service and maintenance centers.


Fawakherji added that the first of these tips is not to use “cables” of unknown brand, or of low quality, when charging the phone battery, as well as for the electrical plug in which the charging wire is installed, because the inappropriate connections affect the quality of the battery, and reduce the battery life. Its life span.

the heat

Fawakherji explained that the second advice is related to not leaving the phone in hot places for long periods, such as leaving the phone in the car, for example, during the summer all day long, noting that this negatively affects the battery and even the efficiency of the phone itself.

And he indicated that the third advice is the need to close unnecessary applications that run in the background of the phone and are not closed, and consume the battery quickly.

"power bank"

As for the fourth advice, according to Fawakherji, it focuses on the need to use high-quality mobile chargers or “power banks” or from well-known brands, pointing out that the use of low-quality devices may affect the safety of the battery.

Fawakherji continued, that the fifth advice relates to the importance of using applications on the phone, which shows an indicator of the extent to which applications consume battery power, thus reducing use and closing immediately after use. These applications also show the safety indicator that gives an alert that the battery needs charging.

wrong information

For his part, an information technology expert and director of strategy and planning at OPPO Middle East, for technical products and smart phone technology, Fadi Abu Shamat, said that there is common misinformation among some phone users, which affects battery efficiency, noting that one of the most important advice that contradicts With this information, it is not leaving the charger on the phones at night until 100% of the charge is reached on a daily basis for the phones, and he added that the best is charging during the day, or intermittent charging between about 20 and 80% of the battery power.

Safety Standards

Abu Shamat pointed out that there is another advice related to battery safety standards, which is not to charge phones near the sleeping place, stressing that it is not common for any batteries to explode, but safety issues advise charging outside the bedroom.

7 tips النصائح

1- Do not use bad electrical wires and plugs.

2- Do not leave the phone in hot places.

3- Close unnecessary apps running in the background.

4- Using high quality mobile chargers.

5- Use apps that show battery consumption.

6- Avoid false information related to shipping.

7- Do not charge phones near the sleeping place.