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What problems did the resume optimizer expose when he became a new profession?

7/7/2021, 9:39:06 AM

What problems are exposed by resume optimizers as a new profession   Xiong Bingqi   In the graduation season, the resume is the first hurdle for college students to apply for a job. An exquisite resume seems to be the “outfit” that job seekers must equip. Some time ago, "Chongqing Girls Helped 30,000 People Successfully Seek Jobs by Changing Their Resume" was on the hot search. Netizens lamented

What problems are exposed by resume optimizers as a new profession

  Xiong Bingqi

  In the graduation season, the resume is the first hurdle for college students to apply for a job. An exquisite resume seems to be the “outfit” that job seekers must equip.

Some time ago, "Chongqing Girls Helped 30,000 People Successfully Seek Jobs by Changing Their Resume" was on the hot search.

Netizens lamented that there are business opportunities around them, while wondering whether they are paying the "IQ tax" if they spend money to change their resumes?

  Resume optimizer has become a new profession, which is filled with emotion.

It is undeniable that the resume plays a very important role in job hunting. It is an important part of leaving a good impression on the person in charge of the recruitment of employers and obtaining written examinations and interview opportunities.

However, to impress the employer's resume, it is not based on "optimization", but based on the actual university experience and performance of college students.

Leaving the university's actual experience to be a supporting beautification resume is not only suspected of falsification, but also self-defeating.

  Some college graduates think that they can’t find a good job because they don’t write a good resume.

This is also what resume optimizers have been rendering. They tell college graduates that to impress employers, they must have a beautiful resume.

In this way, students who are dissatisfied with their resumes will spend money to hire people to optimize them, and business opportunities for resume optimization arise from this.

But the question is, if the college graduates themselves have poor college experience, how to improve and optimize a perfect resume?

This involves water injection and packaging, just like adding a beauty filter.

  A good resume must first be authentic and individual.

You must truly show your knowledge and talents to employers.

Falsifications in your resume make it impossible to give you extra points for your job search, because employers cannot hire students with a resume, and there are also links such as written examinations, interviews, etc. Finding a fake resume will leave a big stain on life.

For experienced human resources managers, it’s easy to see the optimized resume. Maybe the resume optimizer will try to optimize the resume to have some personality, but the optimization routines are only those.

  What affects the employment of graduates is definitely not the resume, but the ability of the graduates themselves. Without the ability, it is impossible to get a good job by packaging resumes.

College graduates must find a “good job” that suits them. During the university, they must make a good career development plan, cultivate their core abilities and expand their qualities. When applying for a job, they must have clear career goals, based on their own abilities, Interest, combined with the employment situation to determine your own career goals, according to the needs of career goals for talents, prepare your resumes in a targeted manner, and you cannot aimlessly "overseas" your resume.

In addition, everyone who enters the workplace must make a good career development plan and continue to improve their employability.

  College graduates should ask resume optimizers to optimize their resumes, which also reveals that some colleges and universities in our country have not seriously carried out employment guidance for college students.

my country’s Ministry of Education has long required that all colleges and universities should offer employment guidance compulsory courses or optional courses from 2008, further implement the “three in place” of employment guidance personnel, institutions, and funds, and improve the “full process, full staffing, and full service” of employment guidance services. "Informatization and specialization" level.

It is necessary to do a good job of helping students whose families have financial difficulties and find employment difficulties.

Treat every "double-difficulty" graduates like their own children, adopt a "one-to-one" approach, provide key guidance, key services, key training and key recommendations, and effectively help them solve economic, psychological, and job hunting Practical difficulties in skills, and try to provide appropriate financial subsidies for job hunting.

If the job guidance of colleges and universities is in place, it is impossible for graduates to ask others for help as the most basic task of making resumes.

The process of making a resume is also a process of analyzing and positioning yourself.

  The so-called resume optimizer should play the role of career planning instructor, guiding graduates to determine their own career goals based on their own actual conditions, and orderly carry out career selection and employment.