Teller Report

Two 60kg half-breasted bears in Yongin-seo break iron bars and escape

7/7/2021, 1:01:20 PM

Two 60 kg half-breasted bears escaped from a bear breeding farm in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, and the local government launched a search. According to the city of Yongin and the fire department, reports were received about the disappearance of two black bears from a bear breeding farm in Idong-myeon, Yongin-si, around 10:30 am today.

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Two 60 kg half-breasted bears escaped from a bear breeding farm in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, and the local government launched a search.

According to the city of Yongin and the fire department, reports were received that two half-breasted bears disappeared from a bear breeding farm in Idong-myeon, Yongin-si, around 10:30 am on the 6th.

The iron kennel installed on the farm was in a damaged state.

The city sent an emergency text message to nearby residents saying, "The bear has escaped, so please be careful."

An official from Yongin City said, "The farm is surrounded by mountains, so it seems that the bears have escaped into the mountains." "Relevant agencies such as the city and the fire department are currently searching." 

(Photo=Provided by National Park Biological Species Power Source, Yonhap News)  

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