Teller Report

The Chinese complex of foreign students is obsessed with poetry and loves automation

7/7/2021, 4:21:50 PM

  [Explanation] July is the season when phoenix flowers bloom. For Angolan student Wei Yuda, this is a familiar summer scene. Six years ago, the flaming phoenix flower welcomed him to Huaqiao University in Xiamen, Fujian, and opened a long way to study. Six years later, Wei Yuda received a bachelor's degree certificate from Huaqiao University. About to leave his alma mater, Wei Yuda is full of nos

  [Explanation] July is the season when phoenix flowers bloom. For Angolan student Wei Yuda, this is a familiar summer scene.

Six years ago, the flaming phoenix flower welcomed him to Huaqiao University in Xiamen, Fujian, and opened a long way to study. Six years later, Wei Yuda received a bachelor's degree certificate from Huaqiao University.

About to leave his alma mater, Wei Yuda is full of nostalgia and reluctance.

  [Explanation] Wei Yuda, a high school graduate, came to the Angolan Government Youth Science and Technology Talent Class of Huaqiao University to study. The talent class is jointly organized by Huaqiao University and the Angolan Presidential Foundation. , Study engineering major in the next 4 years.

During his studies, Wei Yuda had a keen interest in Chinese poetry from the beginning. Although he often forgot the words, he was happy to show the results of his studies.

  [Concurrent] Wei Yuda, an outstanding graduate of the School of Information Science and Engineering of BGI

  Angrily rushed to the crown, rested by the Lan, Xiaoxiao and rain.

Lift our sight, the sky and shouts, grand, vehement.

Some forget, it's been a long time.

  [Explanation] In addition to being obsessed with ancient Chinese poetry, automation technology has always been Wei Yuda's interest. After studying Chinese language, Wei Yuda chose the School of Information Science and Engineering to continue his four-year undergraduate study.

  [Concurrent] Wei Yuda, an outstanding graduate of the School of Information Science and Engineering of BGI

  I am particularly interested in automation, not very understanding, but I am particularly interested, because I like it, so I choose and like this major.

  [Explanation] After studying in China for 6 years, Wei Yuda met many Chinese friends. They studied and experimented together, played together, played football, and participated in various campus activities in his spare time. Although he was far away from home, he never felt lonely.

  [Concurrent] Wei Yuda, an outstanding graduate of the School of Information Science and Engineering of BGI

  All my friends, they are generally willing to help me just what I just said. If there are any difficulties, especially in learning, and if they encounter difficulties, they often learn to contact them, and they will be willing to help me.

  [Explanation] Compared with the formality when he first came to Huaqiao University in 2015, Wei Yuda is now confident and generous and communicates smoothly.

He likes China and believes that Chinese people respect people from different countries and cultures.

Wei Yuda told reporters that he will remember the bits and pieces of life here.

  [Concurrent] Wei Yuda, an outstanding graduate of the School of Information Science and Engineering of BGI

  At the moment of the outbreak, the teachers really took care of us. I felt that we were treated as their younger brothers, and they were really relatives.

During my time in China, I learned a sentence that I will not forget my original intention, and I will definitely come back (Hua University), which I will definitely do.

  [Explanation] Like Wei Yuda, when he first came to BGI, Indonesian Chinese student Bai Jiajia would only nod and smile when he saw Chinese friends. For four years, with the encouragement and help of teachers and classmates, Bai Jiajia worked hard to learn Chinese. During the period, she also set up a short video team of "Overseas New Sound Generation", shooting and producing 90 short videos in both Chinese and English on various aspects of Chinese cultural life in more than six months.

After graduation, Bai Jiajia intends to return to Indonesia as a Chinese teacher, and contribute to the cultural exchanges between the two countries.

  [Concurrent] Bai Jiajia, Major in Chinese Education, BGI College of Chinese Language and Culture

  I like China very much, it is very convenient here, and then the teachers and friends treat me very well, and then because I am about to graduate, I feel a little bit reluctant.

I hope that many children will learn Chinese more, because in the future Chinese will be very advantageous for our work.

  [Explanation] It is reported that among the more than 6,400 graduates of Huaqiao University in 2021, there are 700 overseas students from 10 countries and regions including Angola, South Korea and Indonesia.

The multicultural Huaqiao University has nurtured more than 200,000 students and has become one of the universities in China that recruits and trains the most students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas.

  Li Siyuan and Ye Feng report from Xiamen, Fujian

Editor in charge: [Liu Pai]

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