Teller Report

The "fire" of the red works ignites the youth's aspiration to fight

7/7/2021, 6:20:31 PM

【Depth Highlights】   Red film and television works are a contemporary continuation of the red spirit. "Ideal Illuminates China", "Awakening Age", "Revolutionaries", "Our New Era" and other red film and television works penetrate the hearts of young people with true feelings, triggering the resonance of the young people and igniting the ideal responsibility of the young generation. Unique ingenui

【Depth Highlights】

  Red film and television works are a contemporary continuation of the red spirit.

"Ideal Illuminates China", "Awakening Age", "Revolutionaries", "Our New Era" and other red film and television works penetrate the hearts of young people with true feelings, triggering the resonance of the young people and igniting the ideal responsibility of the young generation.

Unique ingenuity, making red film and television works "fire up"

  The true feelings aroused the emotional resonance of the vast number of young people.

Literary and artistic works come from life and are higher than life. Red film and television works need to respect history, because only truth can move people's hearts.

It not only reflects historical facts, but also interprets mainstream value thoughts in true feelings, and gives contemporary young people a value guide.

The series of red film and television works not only focus on important historical figures, but also reflect their thoughts and emotions as ordinary people, forming emotional resonance with the vast number of young people.

The life details and emotions of Li Dazhao and his wife Zhao Renlan in "The Awakening Age", the love of the grassroots youth party members for the broad masses of the people in "Our New Era", and Yu Yongsheng's help to save the children in "The Ideal Shines in China" Affection can deeply move the vast number of young people.

  The unique detail processing shapes the character traits of historical figures.

The series of red film and television works truly reflect the historical figures, landscapes and life atmosphere of that era with their detailed processing.

From the perspective of character selection, most of the actors have been rejuvenated to express youthfulness.

In fact, the historical figures in "Awakening Age" and "Revolutionary" were in their youth at that time, and the young grassroots party members in "Our New Era" were also in their youth. Although the times are different, "the country is prosperous and strong, and the nation is rejuvenated." "People's happiness" is the value goal pursued by young people.

From the perspective of scene selection, from the streets and piers of Greater Shanghai, to the Red Tower in Peking University, the Red Boat in Jiaxing, and even Lu Xun’s "two jujube trees in the back garden", they all highly restored the series of scenes from that era. Has a profound sense of historical substitution.

From the perspective of life details, in "Awakening Age", people’s bows when they meet, winter fusion of lamb, eating melon seeds, eating dumplings and other lifestyle expressions and the smell of fireworks have brought the masses back to that era. These all together shape that. The character traits of the characters of the era.

  Various narrative techniques have innovated the expression form of red film and television works.

The traditional red classic expression is mainly based on grand narratives, highlighting the deeds and characteristics of heroes, and the new red film and television works pay more attention to the combination of macro and micro.

"Ideal Illuminates China", "The Age of Awakening", "Revolutionaries", "Our New Era" and other works have written important historical figures, while also reflecting the lives of many ordinary people, incorporating micro-details into the centuries-old history of the Chinese Communist Party. It has effectively achieved the connection and transformation of the different narrative angles of the macro and micro in the main line of the revolutionary construction and reform theme.

These red film and television works pay more attention to the silent infiltration of "spring wind and rain", showing the people's homeland feelings and collectivist emotions. The young creators use skilled shooting skills and beautiful pictures to reproduce historical stories from different eras, and enhance the red classics as a whole. The texture and visibility of the novel have innovated the expression form of the red story.

Enlighten far-reaching, let the young generation "burn up"

  The work inspires the homeland feelings of the vast number of young people with spiritual power.

Behind these red film and television works, there are abundant spiritual wealth. The national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core are vividly revealed in the characterization, a century of extraordinary journey, generation after generation of the Communist Party of China People's unremitting struggle is shown concretely in storytelling.

General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a message to the young people: "Be patriotic, loyal to the motherland, and loyal to the people." The red film and television works are guiding the young people to worry about the country and the people, and to love the country and the people, and work hard in a way that the young generation is willing to accept. , Continuously create.

  The works interpret the ideals, beliefs and mission of the young generation.

In the red film and television works, whether it is the young generation in "Awakening Age", "Revolutionaries" or "Our New Era", they are a group of young people of the era who have lofty ideals, beliefs and missions.

The youth of that era took it as their responsibility to explore the way to save the country and the people, and to save the people from water and fire. From the time they became a member of the Communist Party, they will always revitalize China, achieve national independence, people’s liberation, national prosperity, and national rejuvenation as their lifelong goals. , For this to throw their heads and blood; the young people of the new era continue to grow with the wave of reform and opening up, and in the process of broadening their horizons and flying their dreams, they are integrated with the nation and the country, and are committed to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The development of history tells us that no young generation will be the so-called beat generation. They resonate at the same time and walk with the country and the people.

  The works profoundly show the enterprising spirit of young Communists.

In these red film and television works, most of the young people are Communists or later become Communists. The endless lives and struggles are not only true portrayals of the glorious years of the Chinese Communist Party, but also reflect the continuous advancement of generations of Communists. The moving story of hard work and commitment to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

To rejuvenate a country and a nation, it must advance in the logic of historical advancement and develop in the trend of the times.

The story of the work vividly shows that the Chinese Communists used revolutionary means to establish a new China during the revolutionary period; continuously adjusted production relations during the construction period to consolidate the political power and establish the socialist system; in the new period of reform and opening up, leading people to carry out a series of institutional mechanisms Reform, strides into a new era and composes a new era.

  Marx pointed out that historical activities are activities of the masses, and as historical activities deepen, the ranks of the masses will inevitably expand.

Red film and television works such as "Ideals Illuminate China", "Our New Era" and other film and television works focus on the expression of civilians, highlighting the profound connotation of "greatness comes from the ordinary, heroes come from the people". Only in this way can we draw closer the relationship between historical figures and young people Distance, I really feel the great contribution of ordinary people in the construction and reform of China's revolution.

I hope that more red film and television creations will break out of the inherent pattern of creating heroes in the past, and focus more on writing the contributions of ordinary people, because the Chinese dream of building a modern socialist country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is inseparable from thousands of ordinary people. Human dedication.

The future can be expected. May the red story be told forever on the land of China.

(Author: Meng Xianli and Fan Yaolin, Unit: Ningbo University Base, School of Marxism, Zhejiang Research Center for Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics)

(Support for this issue: Niu Mengdi's editing team: Peng Jinghui, Gong Liang, Li Danyang, An Shenglan, Li Ruichen, Yang Tongtong)