Teller Report

Synchronized swimming dream of an 11-year-old girl in Xi'an: Music keeps performing

7/7/2021, 5:58:44 PM

  China News Service, Xi'an, July 6 (Dang Tianye) Whether it is hot or cold, the 11-year-old Xi'an girl Wang Shishi always comes to the swimming pool for synchronized swimming training. When the music sounded, she jumped into the water, sometimes spinning, sometimes tumbling, performing "water ballet" with her love. Daily training of a synchronized swimming team in Xi'an. Photo by Dang Tianye   

  China News Service, Xi'an, July 6 (Dang Tianye) Whether it is hot or cold, the 11-year-old Xi'an girl Wang Shishi always comes to the swimming pool for synchronized swimming training.

When the music sounded, she jumped into the water, sometimes spinning, sometimes tumbling, performing "water ballet" with her love.

Daily training of a synchronized swimming team in Xi'an.

Photo by Dang Tianye

  In the swimming pool of Xi'an Institute of Physical Education, under the leadership of the coach, Wang Shishi began physical and technical training before entering the swimming pool.

"I will come to the swimming pool for training three times a week, with one hour of training on land and one and a half hours of training in the water." Wang Shishi said. In addition, she also had time to practice gymnastics, piano, etc., starting with synchronized swimming when she was 6 , These became Wang Shishi's daily life.

Xi'an girl Wang Shishi participated in a synchronized swimming competition.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee

  Wang Shishi’s mother told reporters that the child’s body is inherently “hard”, and when undergoing high-intensity hip and instep compression training, she often cries in pain.

Because of distress for her daughter, the family tried to persuade her to give up synchronized swimming many times, but with Wang Shishi's own insistence, she continued to practice in the end.

Today, Wang Shishi has won many national synchronized swimming awards and recently participated in the synchronized swimming test competition of the 14th National Games.

  Coach Yan Lei was the first group of synchronized swimming team members in China. After retiring from the sports, she began to train teenagers.

Over the years, Yan Lei has taught hundreds of children in the swimming pool.

Yan Lei said that synchronized swimming is a water sports event that incorporates dance and music. It is composed of swimming, skills, dance and music. It is not easy to practice well.

  "Synchronized swimming requires strong swimming skills, as well as gymnastics and diving athletes. On this basis, you also need to have a good understanding of music, so that you can stand out in the competition." Yan Lei said, synchronized swimming It is a more difficult sport, which requires not only a single skill, but also a test of the athlete's comprehensive ability.

  In order to save time and take care of his studies, Wang Shishi often eats in the car and reviews his homework.

However, under the influence of factors such as increasing academic pressure, the lack of synchronized swimming specialties in local middle schools, and the slow development of synchronized swimming in Shaanxi, whether to allow children to continue training has become a frequently discussed issue among Wang Shishi's parents.

Coach Yan Lei sympathizes with the parents' entanglement.

Xi'an girl Wang Shishi (first from left) conducts water training.

Photo by Dang Tianye

  "At present, we in Shaanxi do not have a professional synchronized swimming team. But I think synchronized swimming is a great help to children in all aspects of their body and mind." Yan Lei believes that synchronized swimming can not only improve children's physical and physical fitness.

In the process of training, it can cultivate children's will and team spirit and benefit them for a lifetime.

Daily training of a synchronized swimming team in Xi'an.

Photo by Dang Tianye

  The usual Wang Shishi is a bit introverted, but once he enters the pool, he will be full of energy.

Where is the path of life going? This is not a question that Wang Shishi can consider.

For her, as long as the person is in the water and the music does not stop, the performance will continue.

  "I have to study and train every day. I have almost no time to play. It feels very hard. But when I think that I haven't won the national championship, I sighed." Wang Shishi said that winning the championship is not her entire goal. , It’s my biggest wish to swim forever.
