Teller Report

"Where it is safe": the traffic police is considering increasing the speed to 150 km / h in a number of areas

7/1/2021, 6:18:44 PM

The head of the traffic police, Mikhail Chernikov, said that the speed limit on some Russian roads could be increased to 150 km / h. He noted that this solution can only be implemented on those sections of the routes where all the necessary infrastructure conditions have been created. Experts supported the initiative, noting that the level of safety of modern cars allows in some cases to increase speed limits.

The head of the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia, Mikhail Chernikov, said that the department is considering the possibility of increasing the permissible speed to 150 km / h on some sections of the road.

"(We are considering. -


) increasing the speed to 150 km per hour on some sections of the road, but where it is safe," TASS quoted him as saying.

According to Chernikov, an increase in speed will be possible on such sections where "all infrastructural measures are provided, in particular, the separation of traffic flows by an artificial structure."

The head of the traffic police expressed the hope that many drivers will be able to positively evaluate the increase in the speed limit proposed by the department.

“I think that drivers will be grateful when they can comfortably drive a section of road at a speed that will ensure safety, and it will not be minimized to some very small limit,” he explained.

Chernikov also added that in the near future the traffic police will participate in the issuance of an opinion on traffic management projects and integrated schemes and will be able to give instructions on the placement of signs, traffic cameras and markings.

  • AGN "Moscow"

He also said that the traffic police is developing a system thanks to which it will be possible to identify a persistent traffic offender from the total flow of cars on the road.

According to him, the complex will include "smart" cameras that will read the entire stream of cars.

“Until the end of the year, when such tools are provided, we will be able to identify not only mass violators of traffic rules, but also those who are on the wanted list,” he added.

Experts praised the initiative of the head of the traffic police to increase the speed limit.

The head of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, Yaroslav Nilov, said that "it is high time to do it."

“And the regions should stop artificially lowering the speed limit in order to ensure the operation of photo and video cameras, to earn money for regional budgets and affiliated commercial structures.

And in general, it's time to conduct an inventory of all roads for compliance with road signs, markings, and also eliminate all "traps", - wrote Nilov in Telegram.

Auto lawyer Dmitry Slavnov, in an interview with RT, also supported the idea of ​​easing speed limits on suitable routes.

The expert noted that the level of safety of modern cars allows this to be done.

“Today the cars are made in this way: they are equipped with safety systems, be it airbags, anti-lock braking systems so that the wheels do not spin, anti-skid systems,” he said.

At the same time, the expert stressed that it is worth raising the limit only in those areas where it is really safe.

“It is impossible to lift all over the place, because there are dangerous sections, turns, where the speed must correspond to the danger of the given section," he explained his point of view.

We add that earlier the head of the traffic police spoke out against the idea of ​​reducing the permitted speed in cities to 30 km / h and reducing the non-fine threshold of punishment for speeding from 20 to 10 km / h.

In his opinion, those who propose such a reduction are not thinking about road safety, but about "some other points, including how to replenish the revenue side with the help of those fines that are imposed by automatic photo and video recording."

Chernikov noted that the initiators of such ideas should try to drive through the city themselves, "especially in the evening, at a speed of 30 km / h in order to understand the absurdity of these restrictions."

He added that it is necessary "to stop involving the Ministry of Internal Affairs in unreasonable decisions to restrict the rights of motorists."

The increase in speed limits, in turn, was also previously discussed in the state-owned company Avtodor.

The chairman of the board of the company Vyacheslav Petushenko said in 2020 that the speed limit on the toll highways M11 "Neva" and M4 "Don" in the future could be increased to 150 km / h.

Currently, the maximum speed on these highways varies from 110 to 130 km / h in some sections.

After the statement of the head of Avtodor, the head of the traffic police also said that he considered the roads being built by the company to be safe. Chernikov expressed the hope that by 2024 the death rate on toll roads will be reduced to zero.