Teller Report

Governor of the Volgograd Region was revaccinated against coronavirus

6/26/2021, 8:31:40 PM

The Governor of the Volgograd Region, Andrey Bocharov, said that he had been revaccinated against the coronavirus infection COVID-19.

As the press service of the regional administration told TASS, the head of the region made a corresponding statement during a meeting with members of the Public Chamber of the region.

“Considering that the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection remains tense, I checked for the presence of antibodies in the blood after the first vaccination, after which a considerable time had passed, and saw a serious decrease.

Therefore, I made a decision and literally the day before I underwent a revaccination - I was vaccinated again, ”he said.

As the governor noted, he considers the issue of vaccination extremely important and decided to emphasize by his own example the need for vaccination against coronavirus.

Earlier, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana urged Russians to think about revaccination against coronavirus.

As the NSN reported, State Duma deputy, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, former chief sanitary doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko urged Russians to be vaccinated against coronavirus.