Teller Report

An Army sergeant dies in a paratrooper jump into the water during the Special Operations course

6/11/2021, 6:21:11 AM

Army Sergeant Rafael Gallart Martínez, 34, died this Thursday in a paratrooper jump into the water off the coast of Cartagena (Murcia) ...

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Army Sergeant

Rafael Gallart Martínez

, 34, died this Thursday in a paratrooper jump into the water off the coast of Cartagena (Murcia) during the Special Operations course.

As reported by Army sources, the sergeant, a native of Hellín (Albacete), was a

student of the 65th Special Operations Course

and was participating in a jump into the water with his classmates.

Due to unknown circumstances, the security personnel in charge of recovering the jumpers have found him

unconscious, face down


Resuscitation techniques have been practiced and he has been evacuated to the hospital, where he has died.

The deceased had joined

the Army

as a

soldier in 2008

and was promoted to sergeant in July 2020 after entering the General Basic Academy for NCOs.

He was stationed at the

4th Legion 'Alejandro Farnesio' Tercio in Ronda

and had participated in missions in Afghanistan, the Central African Republic and Senegal.

He was in possession of a Cross of Military Merit with a White Badge.

The Army has conveyed its


and joined the pain of their family members and colleagues in the unit "in these tragic moments."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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