Teller Report

"Remove inconvenient facts from the agenda": what is behind the reports about the preparation of the US intelligence report on UFOs

6/6/2021, 7:23:54 AM

The United States intelligence community cannot explain the nature of the unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that the US military has repeatedly observed. The corresponding conclusions are contained in a report that intelligence is preparing for a report in Congress, informs the newspaper The New York Times. At the same time, the authors of the document exclude the extraterrestrial nature of these phenomena, as well as their connection with the secret developments of the country's military. At the same time, the report is expected to note that at least some of the "encounters" with UFOs can be explained by the experiments of Russia and China in the field of hypersonic technologies. Analysts associate the mention of the Russian Federation and the PRC in the document with the desire of the American military to expand its own defense programs.

US intelligence has failed to explain the origin of the unidentified flying objects (UFOs) previously observed by the US military.

As reported by The New York Times (NYT), the relevant findings are contained in a report that the intelligence community is preparing for a report to Congress.

The publication received information from high-ranking officials who were aware of the preparation of the document.

At the same time, according to newspaper sources, intelligence excludes the possibility of extraterrestrial origin of objects.

In addition, the report indicates that the vast majority of the 120 UFO incidents that have occurred in the past two decades are not related to the military or any other latest US technological developments.

According to the authors of the document, the maneuvers performed by UFOs are difficult to explain.

This, in particular, concerns the sharp acceleration of these objects, the change in the direction of their movement and the ability to dive under water.

One of the possible explanations (a weather balloon or another exploration balloon) does not always work, officials say, due to changes in wind speed during some contacts.

  • USA congress

  • © REUTERS / Joshua Roberts

At the same time, the American intelligence community believes that at least some of the UFO sightings may be associated with tests of experimental developments in Russia and China.

In particular, according to The New York Times, we can talk about work on the creation of hypersonic weapons.

Journalists of the publication note that Russia is investing heavily in the development of such combat systems.

Similar programs exist in the PRC.

Senior officials cited by the newspaper emphasize that if this information is true and the UFO cases are indeed explained by weapons experiments, then this means that Moscow and Beijing are far ahead of Washington in the field of hypersonic technology.

It is worth noting that Russia has indeed completed the development of the Dagger hypersonic missile and the Avangard hypersonic gliding unit.

In addition, the Zircon rocket has been successfully tested.

All this makes the Russian Federation a leader in this area, experts say.

However, there is no evidence that the US military was able to observe exactly Russian objects.

According to Sergei Sudakov, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Military Sciences, the mention in the report of the hypersonic weapons of Russia and China, which is reported by the NYT, may be associated with a desire to increase funding for the corresponding programs of the Pentagon.

“Recently, many US military officials have begun to make statements that Russia has succeeded greatly in the formation of hypersonic forces and, as a result, is ahead of the United States in this area.

At the same time, China also demonstrated its hypersonic weapons, ”the expert said in a conversation with RT.

"The US authorities are deliberately creating an atmosphere of fear of the Russian Federation and the PRC in order to pull out taxpayers' funds for the development of hypersound," Sudakov said.

According to The New York Times, the report will also contain a classified attachment.

However, according to newspaper sources, it will not contain any information about the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs.

At the same time, the interlocutors of the publication admit that the secrecy of this section can provoke the emergence of new rumors and speculation about UFOs.

According to Sergei Sudakov, the classification can be explained by the fact that some technical details will be mentioned in this part of the document.

“Most likely, actual data will be posted there: how and with the help of what the observation was carried out, various coordinates are presented that cannot be disclosed.

In addition, there can be given certain recommendations for the military-industrial complex and companies that are under the US Department of Defense, "- said the analyst.

The Pentagon took on the UFO

The New York Times notes that intelligence is preparing this report at the urging of Congress.

In 2020, lawmakers amended the Intelligence Authorization Act, which requires the government to submit a report on what it knows about unidentified flying objects.

The document is expected to be made public on June 25th.

The topic of UFOs has traditionally aroused great interest in American society.

  • A frame from the surveillance systems of an American military aircraft, on which an unidentified object is recorded

  • © US Navy

So, at the end of 2017, the media reported that a secret program for collecting and analyzing data on anomalous aerospace threats was operating at the Pentagon from 2007 to 2012.

For its implementation, $ 22 million was allocated. At the initial stage, the intelligence department of the US Department of Defense was responsible for the program.

And in 2020, the US military released a series of videos that captured the contacts of American military pilots with suspected UFOs.

The publications aroused great interest in the press.

Some of the documented and publicized "encounters" with UFOs are described in his article and The New York Times.

For example, journalists cite evidence from the military who reported strange objects that appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015 high in the sky over the East Coast of the United States.

As the pilots of the Navy reported then, the objects did not have visible engines, but they could climb up to 9 km and develop hypersonic speeds.

"These objects were in the air all day," F / A-18 Super Hornet pilot Lt. Ryan Graves, who served in the US Navy for ten years, told the newspaper.

According to Graves, his fighter-bomber almost collided with one of these objects, which he mentioned in the official report.

At the same time, a number of such meetings were recorded on video.

In the summer of 2020, the Pentagon resumed its UFO research program.

The new unit was named the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.

“The US Department of Defense has created an Unidentified Air Phenomena Task Force to better understand and gain insight into the nature and origin of unidentified air events.

The mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog unidentified aerial phenomena that may pose a threat to US national security, ”the Defense Ministry said at the time.

The statement said the group would operate under the auspices of the US Department of the Navy and the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security.

"Re-reflection of artificial objects"

According to experts, the version of the extraterrestrial origin of any unidentified objects observed by the military has never been confirmed.

According to Nathan Eismont, a leading researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in most cases, UFOs can be explained by atmospheric phenomena, the work of meteorological probes or re-reflections.

“In general, such phenomena are possible due to the re-reflection of artificial objects.

Artificial space objects, including satellites, are covered with something like a foil, a reflective film to maintain a thermal regime.

If spacecraft are in space for a long time and, accordingly, exceed their service life, this film is unwound to a rather large size - more than 50-100 m. As a result, the film reflects the sun's rays unevenly, so there is an impression that this is an extraterrestrial phenomenon, ”said analyst in conversation with RT.

  • Unidentified flying object seen by the US military

  • © US Navy

According to experts, ordinary people associate the UFO designation with fantastic stories about extraterrestrial civilizations.

However, in practice, such objects have nothing to do with alien intelligence and their origin is explained by quite ordinary reasons.

Therefore, the creation by the Pentagon of a service that deals with the study of UFOs is explained primarily by the need to control the airspace.

As for outer space, as noted by Nathan Eismont, Russia and the United States have special services to control it, which fix thousands of objects in near-earth orbit.

“Such systems should determine the trajectory of such unidentified objects.

And there are a lot of them - at the moment there can be about 20 thousand objects in near-earth orbit more than 10 cm in diameter.

There are even more smaller ones.

This system classifies objects in near-earth orbit and analyzes their trajectory, ”said the expert.

He added that the Russian and American services are cooperating.

“It is a powerful strategic information system for monitoring Earth satellites and other space objects.

Our services periodically exchange the received information with the American service, ”said Nathan Eismont.

In turn, political analyst Alexander Asafov believes that the US leadership periodically raises the topic of UFOs in order to correct the negative information agenda in the country.

“Demonstrating the pseudo-openness of all archives and publicly discussing the topic of aliens or the conspiracy over the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the authorities are trying to remove facts that are inconvenient for Biden from the news agenda. With absurd theories, the White House administration is trying to distract the population from topics related to unemployment and other important economic problems, ”the analyst concluded.