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The last farewell to Carla Fracci. Don Zappa: "Grace and passion accompanied her to the end"

6/1/2021, 10:18:49 AM

The coffin came out on the notes of Giuseppe Verdi's Traviata from the church of San Marco, after the funeral. A round of applause from the many who waited on the pavement for the last tribute accompanied her

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May 29, 2021 From Carla Fracci comes "the invitation to soften our souls, not to give in to superficiality and persevere in the courage of authenticity and we are grateful".

Don Gianni Zappa, pastor of the church of San Marco, in Milan, said this during the homily for the funeral of Carla Fracci, the étoile who passed away on Thursday at the age of 84.

"We imagine her dressed in white walking with her light step and we accompany her to the threshold of mystery - added the parish priest - to that ridge that she must cross alone and from there the Lord awaits her who awaits her with open arms" .

Then Don Zappa recalled the many qualities of the dancer, called 'Carlina' by friends, including "grace, lightness, passion and courage that she demonstrated to the end", the qualities. Don Zappa also observed how "the dance on the stages was the expressive point of his inner dance. His path was arduous and courageous, the result of a great passion, rigor and inner discipline but also an expression of a relationship always kept alive with the essential realities of life ". 

Carla Fracci's coffin came out on the notes of Giuseppe Verdi's Traviata from the church of San Marco, after the funeral. A round of applause from the many who waited on the pavement for the last tribute accompanied her. Her husband Beppe Menegatti went out with his nephews Giovanni and Ariele, his sister, his historical assistant Luciana and his son Francesco.

A moving applause also underlined the arrival in the church of the coffin of the great étoile covered with white flowers. In the parish of San Marco in Milan, there were - in addition to family members - the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala with the tricolor sash, the Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini, the superintendent of the Scala theater Dominique Meyer and the dancers of the academy, as well as friends and common people. 

In front of the parish a hundred people. Among those present also the étoile Eleonora Abbagnato, Roberto Bolle and new stars including Martina Arduino and Nicoletta Manni. Numerous wreaths of flowers. Among others, that of Agnese Landini and Matteo Renzi, Giorgio Armani and the dancers of Rome 2000/2010 with the words 'thank you for guiding us'. Among the first to arrive was the husband of the great dancer Beppe Menegatti, supported by other family members but still with the strength to send his message. "Take care of the theater, of the Scala - he said - and above all of the dance that is more and more alive and is among the beauties that will save the world". 

Archbishop of Milan, Delpini: "With his art he wrote messages of love"

"With the art of dance, light and arduous, Carla Fracci has shown that the movement of the body can write messages of love, stories of pain, songs of prayer". The archbishop of Milan, Mario Delpini, writes in the message read during the funeral in the Church of San Marco. "The death of Carla Fracci is an emotion that runs throughout the city and that arouses echoes all over the world - writes Delpini - I participate in the innumerable choir that remembers her, admires her, meditates on her message of sublime expressive art, of serious discipline and constant sacrifice, of generous sensitivity. I offer my condolences to the family and assure the prayer of suffrage. The glory of God - he concluded - it transfigures human glory into fulfillment and consoles those who mourn its detachment ". 

Meyer: "A sad day, he was a star of the world and the universe"

"Today is a sad day, there is this paradox of the beautiful sun, in a Milan that lives again and has started again and then there is this sadness for a great artist who has gone away. All those who love La Scala are sad but I have been able to observe how far the world emotion goes far beyond the borders of Italy ". This was said by the superintendent of La Scala, Dominique Meyer, arriving at the funeral. The superintendent explained that La Scala is planning a special event to remember the dancer. "We will do something special - he underlined - we will do something important, beautiful and I hope moving".

Carla Fracci, Meyer further observed, "was a star of the world and the universe and I see that all the great companies she danced with have shown their affection, their closeness. There are these mixed feelings, we are sad that is gone but I find it nice that there is this great love that is shown today ". Then, replying to those who told him that Fracci's husband, Beppe Menegatti said that theater and dance are never more alive today than today, Meyer commented: "And the truth, even if this is a very sad event, shows that point dance is important. Here in Milan, in Italy and in the world ". And she added: "Yesterday we did the funeral parlor in the theater for her and her family but also to show how important dance is for us all".   

Sala: "Just look around to understand how much she was loved"

Carla Fracci "has gone through many seasons in the city without ever staggering with her straightness and her smile. Today I published the last photo taken together, me with my half smile, she with her shining smile. She will remain a person who has deeply loved Milan and just look around how much it was loved ". The white tram of line 1 dedicated to Carla Fracci, as requested by Sala from the ATM company, "is a way to bring her gratitude because in the end we Milanese are also simple people who make work an act of devotion", explained the mayor. "This Milanese idea of ​​building oneself from the ground up was embodied by one person. She was proud of her origins and of her father, a tram driver, so it came naturally to us to think of aan initiative of this kind, then maybe other dedications will also come, but starting from this one seemed more right ".

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