Teller Report

The PP accuses Santiago Abascal of "blocking" Andalusia: "The legislature will continue even though Vox is torpedoing it"

5/29/2021, 5:49:30 AM

Vox's decision to prevent all the laws of the Junta de Andalucía as punishment for having accepted the reception of 13 of the African minors who entered Ceuta without their ...

Vox's decision to prevent all the laws of the Junta de Andalucía as


for having accepted the reception of 13 of the African minors who entered Ceuta without their families has turned the Andalusian board upside down.

The PP and Citizens Government has lost the parliamentary majority for now, but the

popular ones

believe that Vox will not be able to sustain its order for long.

"Andalusians can be calm."

The general secretary of the PP, Teodoro García Egea, has replied to the formation of Santiago Abascal that Juanma Moreno will not call elections after losing the parliamentary majority.

"There are mechanisms to maintain the legislature despite the fact that Vox wants to torpedo it" and "no one would understand that we went to the polls again," he said in statements to Telecinco.

Vox consummated its boycott of the initiatives of the Andalusian Executive on Wednesday.

It withdrew its support for the draft Law to Promote the Sustainability of the Territory, which unifies and simplifies the regional urban planning laws, and which had the approval of the parliamentary partners when it was approved by the Governing Council.

Those of Abascal had announced last week that they would not support any initiative of the Board that had not been previously signed by Vox, after the disagreement produced as a result of the crisis in Ceuta and the decision of the Board to give shelter to some of the children who they were in the collapsed reception centers of the autonomous city.

"The citizens are going to punish the parties that hinder the growth of one of the growing regions. It will be Vox who will have to explain it. It is wrong to block," emphasized García Egea, for whom the legislature is not in danger: " In Andalusia it will continue to govern, lowering taxes and moving from the Andalusia of the ERE to the Andalusia of employment ", he stressed.

The Vox boycott of the initiatives of the Executive of Juanma Moreno has occurred in two substantial projects. On the one hand, it prevents the processing of the new land law, which seeks, in the words of García Egea, to reverse "40 years of socialist bureaucracy." And, on the other hand, it prevents the reform, by emergency means, of the Andalusian Public Health Law, which the Board wanted to update to allow it to dictate restrictive measures related to the pandemic.

The PP spokesperson in Congress, Cuca Gamarra, believes that "Vox is the wrong enemy" because in Andalusia "it has placed itself in front of a center-right government, focused on the fight against the pandemic and economic recovery, and on the side of the Socialists and Communists ".

"The priority should be the Andalusians and not the political games in the offices," he remarked in RNE.

"We cannot be between motions and elections," has judged García Egea, who has also addressed the issue of possible pardons for the imprisoned Catalan pro-independence leaders.

In his opinion, Pedro Sánchez "borders on prevarication" by positioning himself against the criteria of the Supreme Court.

Motions against pardons in all municipalities

"It is not a pardon, it is a political payment," he proclaimed. "Nobody has any doubt that if the PSOE had 200 deputies, the pardons would not be on the table," said

number two

of Pablo Casado. "We are going to present motions in all the town councils of Spain in defense of the Constitution and the law and against pardons so that all political formations are portrayed," said García Egea, adding to what has already been proposed by Ciudadanos .

For the PP, it is a "silent revolution", without taking to the streets, as this newspaper has advanced.

In addition, the vice-secretary of Communication of the PP, Pablo Montesinos, is going to summon the PSOE territorial leaders "to speak out and reject the pardons", after some of them, such as Emiliano García-Page (president of Castilla-La Mancha ) and Javier Lambán (Aragón) have shown their differences with Sánchez's new criteria.

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