Teller Report

Xiaosaba Service Area in Nujiang River, Yunnan: Beautiful Highway Brings Tourism Vitality

5/21/2021, 1:10:14 PM

  China News Service, Nujiang, May 18 (Luo Jie) A reporter recently walked into the Nujiang Grand Canyon and came to the Xiaoshaba service area, a landmark service area that integrates the development of "traffic + tourism", to explore the benefits of the beautiful roads on the Nujiang River. New changes in tourism.   The Nujiang Grand Canyon is located in the Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture o

  China News Service, Nujiang, May 18 (Luo Jie) A reporter recently walked into the Nujiang Grand Canyon and came to the Xiaoshaba service area, a landmark service area that integrates the development of "traffic + tourism", to explore the benefits of the beautiful roads on the Nujiang River. New changes in tourism.

  The Nujiang Grand Canyon is located in the Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province and is known as the Grand Canyon of the East.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was no highway in the territory, primitive and closed, and people carrying horses and horses were the main mode of transportation.

The picture shows the first KFC in Nujiang in the Xiaoshaba service area.

Photo by Luo Jie

  On May 1, 1973, the first road in Nujiang Prefecture was opened to traffic. This section of the Wayao-Gong (Mountain) Highway from Wayao Town, Baoshan City to Cikai Town, Gongshan County, took nearly 20 years to build. The isolated land opened up a thoroughfare.

  Today, the section from Liuku Town of Lushui City to Bingzhongluo Town of Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County has been completely renewed, adding new scenery to the Nu River.

The 288-kilometer-long Nu River beautiful road was completed and opened to traffic in December 2019. The once dangerous road along the river has been transformed into a new "net celebrity travel check-in point".

  The Xiaoshaba service area is about 4.3 kilometers away from the urban area of ​​Lushui City, and is the first high-end tourist highway service area in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture.

Since its trial operation at the end of January 2021, it has attracted many tourists.

The first KFC in Nujiang Quanzhou was opened here.

The picture shows the greenway in the Xiaoshaba service area on the Nujiang River.

Photo by Chang Shuyu

  Wen Hanyong, a KFC clerk in the Xiaoshaba service area, told reporters that this is not only a stop for out-of-town tourists during their trips, but also attracts many local tourists for short-distance sightseeing.

"Today is the weekend, and the passenger flow is larger than usual. Basically, the seats in the store are always full. Since its opening, the restaurant can produce more than 400 orders when there are most tourists." He said.

  In addition, the Xiaoshaba service area has also introduced famous brands such as Mellon Coffee, Fuzhaolou Restaurant, Jianguo·Puyin Hotel, etc. The service facilities are constructed in accordance with the standards of "first-class domestic and internationally renowned", so that the once closed Nu River gradually connects with Synchronize across the country and the world.

  The greenway is another gorgeous scenery line of the beautiful road on the Nu River. On that day, many tourists took the Xiaoshaba service area as a starting point to stroll or cycle along the greenway.

  In the shared bicycle parking lot next to the greenway, a couple is scanning the code and using the car. "My family lives in Liuku Town, and I often come here on weekends with my family.

Local tourist Chen Yuan told reporters that because they opened a hotel in Liuku Town, they expect the convenient transportation and brand-new service experience brought by the beautiful road on the Nu River, which will attract more foreign tourists to the Nu River.

  At present, about 50 kilometers of greenways on Nujiang’s beautiful highway have been built and put into use, and 12 service areas, 25 viewing platforms and 19 post stations set up across the line will also be gradually put into use. (Finish)