Teller Report

Living without a mask in the US: "Wearing this is not natural. You can't breathe, my friend."

5/6/2021, 9:41:22 PM

Walking through the streets of Los Angeles is a little ingrained custom. Its particular appearance, dotted with avenues and highways as wide as the Pisuerga as it passes through ...




    The Angels

Updated Thursday, 6May2021-01: 43

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Walking through the streets of Los Angeles is a little ingrained custom.

Its particular physiognomy, dotted with avenues and highways as wide as the Pisuerga as it passes through Valladolid, does not lend itself excessively to either the morning walk or the evening walk.

This giant is an animal of long distances.

That is why the change of scene, following the green light from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to

eliminate the mandatory use of masks

in open spaces.

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