Teller Report

Al Gergawi: The successful government bases its decisions on proactive visions

5/6/2021, 6:57:52 PM

The Minister of Cabinet Affairs and Chairman of the World Government Summit Foundation, Muhammad Abdullah Al-Gergawi, affirmed that successful governments are the ones that base their decisions on proactive visions that meet the needs of their societies, and that the most successful experiences during the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic are embodied by governments that b

The World Government Summit reviews 21 government priorities for 2021

Al Gergawi: The successful government bases its decisions on proactive visions


The Minister of Cabinet Affairs and Chairman of the World Government Summit Foundation, Muhammad Abdullah Al-Gergawi, affirmed that successful governments are the ones that base their decisions on proactive visions that meet the needs of their societies, and that the most successful experiences during the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic have been embodied by governments that took the initiative to take immediate decisions. It is based on prior preparations to meet the needs of community members, support key sectors, employ international partnerships in a positive way, and enhance the role of the private sector and community participation in designing and implementing government strategies.

He said that “the experience of the world's governments in facing the economic, social, political and health transformations and the new challenges posed by the (Corona) pandemic during the past year represented a true test of their strategies and the readiness of their infrastructure and their structural, administrative and legislative system, and other challenges remain before governments, which necessitates a rethinking of priorities. And strategic plans during the coming period », pointing out that the World Government Summit worked within this direction to prepare a forward-looking report that includes 21 priorities for world governments in 2021, and includes the most important challenges they face in the current stage, and the most important priorities that should be focused on, in five main axes: Re-imagining the future of government work, competitiveness in the future economy, keeping pace with global technological transformations, enhancing societal integration, and preparing for future challenges.

Al-Gergawi added that "the World Government Summit is keen to provide an incubating global platform that brings together the world's governments and unites their efforts to explore and design the future of vital sectors of interest to societies, and to study the most prominent current challenges and expected changes in order to prepare comprehensive future visions that keep pace with the needs and requirements of people around the world."

The report "21 Priorities for Governments in 2021" reflects the recommendations and outputs of the "World Government Summit Dialogues", which were held recently under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and with the participation of a group of leaders, ministers, representatives of international organizations and companies. Global innovators and entrepreneurs from different countries of the world, and its sessions attracted more than 10 thousand participants from 156 countries.

The report covered a range of global trends in the fields of economy, health, education, society, youth, labor markets and development, empowerment of women, the future of cities, capacity building and talent, sustainability, environment and climate change, in addition to the future role of advanced technology such as artificial intelligence, robots, big data and others. .

The report emphasized the importance of governments focusing on the priority of enhancing the comprehensive resilience of sustainability in societies, by designing national and global strategies to meet the requirements of vital sectors, such as food and water security and climate change, and strengthening partnerships with the private sector to enable societies to use resources optimally, and to develop consumer behaviors and their regulatory frameworks. .

He explained that government leaders should focus during the coming period on the priority of adopting rapid implementation mechanisms, accelerating the achievement of goals by working proactively and cooperatively, and the need to implement these mechanisms in various vital sectors such as health, energy and infrastructure within a comprehensive cooperative format for governments, companies and institutions.

“The world is currently going through a critical phase that is witnessing many shifts and opportunities in many areas, and it will be the decisions made by government leaders,” said Rudolf Le Maire, a partner in the Institute for National Transformations, a subsidiary of Kearney, a global management consulting firm that is a knowledge partner for the World Government Summit. The world during this year has extraordinary long-term consequences for their societies.

They can contribute more by taking proactive measures to address these 21 priorities included in the report in order to build more inclusive, innovative and ready societies for the future. ”

The report reviewed a set of data, statistics and global studies that dealt with a number of future challenges and opportunities, and stated that the Corona pandemic had led to more than 463 million children around the world being cut off from education, and indicated the importance of forming larger alliances in the field of data sharing and facilitating digital exchange. Cross-border, pointing to the OECD's expectations that enhancing data exchange will contribute to achieving economic and social benefits of up to 2.5% of GDP, and that the flow of cross-border data will generate global economic activity worth more than two trillion dollars.

He stressed the importance of protecting societies from rumors and fake news, as misleading news costs the global economy about $ 78 million annually, and recommended monitoring the impact of social media on public opinion, and urging governments to reduce the financial burdens resulting from the epidemic and ensure that basic services, such as the provision of health services, are not compromised. Vitality, public safety, and social protection services.

The report pointed out that the 47% increase in the proportion of remote work since the start of the pandemic requires governments to evaluate and adjust the structure of human resources tasks, and redistribute tasks to improve productivity and ensure employee satisfaction.

He pointed out that half of the economic cost of the pandemic during the current year will fall on the shoulders of advanced economies, even if these countries are able to fully vaccinate their people, and explained that if developing economies are able to vaccinate 50% of their people, the world will suffer an economic loss of between 1.8 and 3.8. Trillions of dollars, half of it goes to rich countries.

"21 government priorities for 2021"

The report "21 priorities for world governments in 2021" included five main axes, the first of which is "re-imagining the future of government work". It included three priorities, including financial restructuring of governments to ensure sustainable provision of public health and safety services, and social protection in a way that contributes to accelerating recovery from the pandemic. Avoiding long-term social and economic challenges.

The report explained that the pandemic represents an opportunity to renew the structure of cities instead of returning them to the previous situation, by working closely with the private sector and community members to meet the new needs of future cities.

He stressed the importance of continuing the government's focus on the priority of developing national capabilities, redesigning and evaluating the way government agencies work to meet future requirements, adopting a comprehensive change vision away from old and traditional methods, and promoting investment in capacity-building and empowering government cadres with the tools of the future.

In its second axis, "Competitiveness in the Future Economy", the report deals with preparing for radical legislative changes by enhancing readiness to face the challenges resulting from sudden changes in the trends of global powers, especially in the field of economics.

The re-innovation of the workforce structure in light of the development of remote work concepts is a priority in the second axis of the report, which anticipates the rapid changes that affect the future of work and change the concepts of future jobs.

In its third axis, the report addresses four priorities.

He pointed to the need for governments to adopt new mechanisms to increase participation in the global technology market, assess the opportunities and challenges of relying on the services of giant global technology companies, and ensure preparedness for changes in the relationship between governments and technology companies, by building a system of alternative options, and developing contingency plans to replace them on a large scale.

It focused on building international coalitions to share data as a priority for the world's governments during the coming period, to be met by strengthening cooperation to form opportunities for broad digital exchange, employing artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to generate various and useful huge data, converting it into high-value economic assets, and accelerating the growth of the digital economy, And building new concepts of economic well-being in societies.

He also addressed the priority of enhancing readiness for the requirements of a new pluralistic world that requires governments to promote international partnerships to invest in building talent, providing resources, and facing the challenges of cybersecurity, climate change and health.

As for the fourth axis of the report, "Promoting Community Integration", it addressed five priorities, and explained that the coming period requires focus on reactivating global initiatives to face health challenges, by strengthening cooperation and partnerships between world government leaders to support health systems in the face of serious diseases such as HIV. Tuberculosis and malaria, and not neglecting their seriousness, despite the current focus on the Corona pandemic.

The report emphasized that addressing the effects of the pandemic in the field of mental health is one of the most important priorities of the world's governments in 2021 in the field of health, and that begins with proactively identifying the segments of society that need care and treatment.

He indicated that the world's governments during the coming period should focus on the priority of supporting global efforts to develop young minds and talents, and identify the most important challenges facing children around the world in 2021 and address them systematically.

The report emphasized that the future of countries and societies is linked to enhancing the role of women and their partnership in development, and indicated that the number of women who lost their jobs during the pandemic period represents about four times the number of men.

He pointed out that the coming period requires the revitalization and expansion of social support systems for working women, achieving gender parity and balance in labor markets, and developing support systems for families in a way that contributes to achieving economic recovery and stability.

The report said that the "Covid-19" pandemic confirmed the importance of governments focusing on the priority of protecting societies from false information and misuse of social media, by studying ways to reduce the addictive behavior of electronic users, and preventing the spread of false news and misinformation that affects the ability of individuals to take Sound decisions.

In the fifth axis, "Preparing for future challenges", he referred to the priority of eliminating hotbeds of reproduction of viruses around the world, and ensuring the fair distribution of vaccines in order to prevent the emerging corona virus from continuing to develop and spread, and to provide support to developing countries.

He also mentioned the priority of adopting innovative concepts to anticipate challenges and respond to them quickly and effectively, as an important priority for anticipating future challenges and responding to them quickly and effectively.

He stressed that in light of the current global circumstances, the priority of combating the criminal exploitation of crises also appears, especially with the increase in the registration of illegal activities related to "Covid-19" vaccines, the provision of safe and reliable supply chains, and the fight against the sale of illegal vaccines.

He also stressed the importance of governments focusing on the priority of enhancing the overall resilience of sustainability in societies, by designing national and global strategies to meet the requirements of vital sectors.


experience of the world's governments in facing the Coronavirus pandemic represented a true test of their strategies and the readiness of their infrastructure.

Half of the economic cost of the pandemic will fall on the shoulders of advanced economies, even if their people are fully vaccinated.

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