Teller Report

Netanyahu trial: hearing of witnesses begins

4/5/2021, 2:50:48 AM

The outgoing Israeli prime minister is accused of corruption, fraud and breach of trust. The legal proceedings could last between two and three years according to specialists. 

Netanyahu trial: hearing of witnesses begins

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu in court in Jerusalem, when his trial resumes on February 8, 2021. AP - Reuven Castro

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2 min

The outgoing Israeli prime minister is accused of corruption, fraud and breach of trust.

The legal proceedings could last between two and three years according to specialists. 


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With our correspondent in Jerusalem,

Michel Paul

Examination of evidence and hearing of witnesses.

This is the second phase of the 


of the Israeli Prime Minister which begins this Monday morning in Jerusalem.

Benyamin Netanyahu will be present for the prosecutor's opening plea, but the judges dispensed him from attending the hearing of the first witness, Ilan Yeshua, the former editor-in-chief of the Walla portal.

It's Case 4,000, a

corruption case

 : favorable coverage for Netanyahu in exchange for benefits for the news site's parent company, the Israeli telecom company Bezeq.

The trial will then continue at the rate of three hearings per week, from Monday to Wednesday.

And while Benjamin Netanyahu

faces his judges

, almost at the same time several parties will recommend that the Israeli president task him with forming a new government.

See also: Israel: negotiations continue after the legislative elections


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