Teller Report

2,000 more places in the second year of health studies at the start of the 2021 school year

3/26/2021, 6:17:36 PM

Last year, the national quota was set at 14,987 students admitted to the second year of medicine (9,361), pharmacy (3,265), dental (1,322) and midwife (1,039). The gauge should therefore have

Students in an amphitheater, illustrative photo.


Patrice Magnien / 20 Minutes

The faculties of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and midwifery will welcome nearly 2,000 additional students next year, and the number of places will not drop within five years, we learned this Friday from the ministries of Health and Higher Education.

“The number of entrants will be higher than the numerus clausus of 2020, with nearly 2,000 additional places, an increase of 14.3%.

This is a historic increase, ”welcomed the Minister of Higher Education, Frédérique Vidal, in a statement sent to AFP.

A national quota set around 17,000?

Last year, the national quota was set at 14,987 students admitted to the second year of medicine (9,361), pharmacy (3,265), dental (1,322) and midwife (1,039).

The gauge should therefore be around 17,000 this year, but the government is not yet able to specify the exact number, nor its breakdown between the four sectors.

The detailed figures will be communicated from next week by the rectors and the universities, indicated the cabinet of Frédérique Vidal.

However, we have known since the end of January that 6,484 places (3,672 in medicine, 1,645 in pharmacy, 630 in dentistry, 537 in midwifery) will be reserved for the last repeaters of the former Paces (first year common to health studies), deleted this year, like the dreaded unique competition and the ruthless

numerus clausus


The remaining places will be divided between the new PASS (“specific course” with a focus on health) and LAS (license with “access to health” option).

No cuts planned for the next few years?

Beyond the start of the 2021 school year, the number of students admitted to the second year should not decrease, if the government validates the proposals of the “national conference” created to set “multi-year objectives” for health training.

This body, meeting for the first time this Friday, proposed an overall increase of 14% in five years, corresponding to the progression announced for this year, with a more marked effort in medicine (+ 18%) and in dentistry (+14 %) than in pharmacies (+ 7%) and midwives (+ 2%).

A decree will record the changes planned for each sector, but "we will not stop this dynamic of increase", assured the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran.


Doctor, midwife, pharmacist, dentist… What changes for the next school year for health students?

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