Teller Report

US Trump administration redesignates Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism

1/11/2021, 10:39:10 PM

[NHK] The Trump administration in the United States has announced that it has redesignated Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. In the form of overturning the decision of the former Obama administration that canceled the designation ...

The Trump administration in the United States has announced that it has redesignated Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism.

It could also affect the new Biden administration's policy to improve relations with Cuba by overturning the decision of the former Obama administration, which has been dedesignated.

US Secretary of State Pompeo issued a statement on the 11th, stating that Cuba has been redesignated as a state sponsor of terrorism.

The reason is that the Cuban government has refused to hand over the suspected serious crimes that the United States demands, and that Cuban intelligence is supporting the oppression of the Venezuelan Maduro administration. And.

Designation as a state sponsor of terrorism prohibits the export and sale of weapons from the United States, as well as financial assistance for non-humanitarian purposes.

The US government designated Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism in 1982, but in 2015 the Obama administration de-designated it during negotiations with Cuba to normalize diplomatic relations.

However, the Trump administration reviewed the Obama administration's policy on Cuba and tightened economic sanctions, such as restricting remittances from the United States to Cuba, and the relationship between the two countries was chilling.

President-elect Biden has expressed his intention to improve relations with Cuba by raising the abolition of sanctions imposed by the Trump administration during the election period, but this decision will also affect the Cuban policy of the new administration of Biden. There is a possibility.

Cuban Foreign Minister Rodriguez "American Convenience"

Cuba's Foreign Minister Rodriguez "strongly condemns the United States for making hypocritical and ironic decisions on political opportunism," in response to the US Trump administration's redesignation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. I posted it on Twitter and it is repulsive.

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