Teller Report

One year since the first death in covid-19 - we were so clueless then

1/11/2021, 8:29:00 PM

Exactly one year has passed since the first confirmed death in covid-19 in Wuhan, China. Then we knew very little about the unknown lung virus. Since then, the world has become much wiser - and our societies have been shaken.

On January 11, 2020, the first confirmed death due to corona occurred.

A 61-year-old man, who shopped at the fish and meat market in Wuhan, China.

The same month, the Health Commission in the multimillion-dollar city announces that there is no evidence that the newly discovered virus can easily be spread between people.

Two months later, on March 11, it has spread to several continents and the World Health Organization, WHO, states that the corona outbreak is a pandemic.

On the same day, the first Swede, a person in his upper 70s, dies in covid-19.

A year later, we know much more about the treacherous virus, which has so far claimed nearly two million lives worldwide.

See what it looked like in Wuhan when it all started, in the video above.