Teller Report

State of emergency What is Chiba's request?

1/7/2021, 3:18:46 PM

[NHK] Details of the request announced by Chiba Prefecture in response to the state of emergency for 1 metropolitan area and 3 prefectures.

Details of the request announced by Chiba Prefecture in response to the state of emergency for 1 metropolitan area and 3 prefectures.

Refrain from going out unnecessarily

From the 8th of this month to the 7th of next month, we request all citizens of the prefecture to refrain from going out unnecessarily.

In particular, we request that you refrain from going out after 8 pm.

On the other hand, it is not necessary to go to the hospital, commute to work, exercise or shopping to maintain good health, and it is not urgent.

Request for shortening business hours

Requests for "shortening business hours" to restaurants, etc. are made in two stages.

From the 8th to the 11th of this month, restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages in 12 cities such as Chiba City and Funabashi City, which is close to Tokyo, will be open until 8 pm and will be served until 7 pm I request that you do.

If you respond to the request, a cooperation fee of 60,000 yen will be paid per day, and for the entire period, the total will be 1.86 million yen.

And from the 12th of this month to the 7th of next month, regardless of whether or not alcoholic beverages are served, we request restaurants throughout the prefecture to open until 8:00 pm and to serve alcoholic beverages by 7:00 pm To do.

The total amount of cooperation paid is 1.62 million yen for the entire period.

However, if none of the stores respond to the request by the 15th of this month, they will not be eligible for the cooperation fund.

Holding an event

Regarding "holding events", we are requesting that the maximum number of people indoors be 5,000, which is less than half of the capacity, and that the maximum number of people outdoors is 5,000, to ensure a sufficient distance between people.

Chiba Prefecture does not request that the coming-of-age ceremony be canceled, but it does request thorough infection prevention measures, such as refraining from eating and drinking before and after the ceremony.

In addition, until the 7th of next month, we are requesting businesses in the prefecture to thoroughly telework, work from home and work at different times, and take thorough measures to prevent infection in the workplace and dormitories.

Of these, for telework, the target is 60% of the implementation rate of companies in the prefecture.

In addition, as a "request" that is not based on the law, we are requesting movie theaters and entertainment facilities to refrain from operating after 8 pm from the 12th of this month to the 7th of next month.

Regarding prefectural facilities, 12 facilities such as archives, museums, and art galleries will be closed in order to reduce unnecessary and unurgent outings, and 32 facilities such as Makuhari Messe, libraries, and sports facilities will be restricted to shorten usage time. ..

On the other hand, at this time, we do not request school closures or closures.

The cooperation fee for shortening business hours

Chiba Prefecture will provide cooperation money to each restaurant in response to a request to shorten business hours until 8:00 pm.

Requests for restaurants offering alcoholic beverages in 12 cities in total, including Chiba City and 11 cities in the Tokatsu area in the northwestern part of the prefecture, are requested from the 8th to the 7th of next month. In the case of the whole period, the total will be 1.86 million yen.

In addition, we request from 12th of this month to 7th of next month for stores that do not serve alcohol in 12 cities and all restaurants in other areas, and the total amount is 1.62 million yen for the entire period. ..

Chiba Prefecture is confirming with the national government whether karaoke shops that provide food and drink are eligible for cooperation money.

The prefecture says that it takes a certain period of time to inform the system, but if it does not respond to the request by the 15th of this month, it will not be eligible for cooperation money.

We will announce the application method and acceptance period for cooperation funds in the future.

For inquiries, please contact the dedicated call center, 0570 (003894), and the reception hours are from 9 am to 6 pm.