Teller Report

Sarthe bakers angry after a "66 Minutes" report

1/7/2021, 3:11:46 PM

In a report broadcast on Sunday, the show suggests that their defeat in a departmental competition is due to a "cheese taste" of their galette des rois

A galette des rois.



A bitterness aftertaste.

As reported by France Bleu, a couple of Sarthois bakers is angry with a

66 Minutes


broadcast last Sunday on M6.

Filmed during a departmental competition that they had already won three times, they competed in particular for their almond cake, which this time lost.

For good reason, the jury would have detected a "cheese taste" in the puff pastry.

"There is something like a small problem that might be due to the cheese rolls prepared that very morning, the butter in the puff pastry would have taken on the taste of Emmental cheese kept in the same fridge", analyzes the voice-over of the 'show, as reported by TVMag.

A version that the couple formally contests, which provides clarification in a video posted on Facebook.

The bakers point to an assembly problem and a confusion between the pancakes.

Word against word

"At worst what they smelled inside is rum", explains Carole Bunel in this video, specifying that her husband's pancake was not prepared at the same time as the petits fours, but the standby.

But above all, according to the baker, there was an error on the goods.

"The journalist was wrong, it is not our pancake that was tasted at that time by these jurors", she said to France Bleu Maine.

A version which would have been confirmed to them by one of the members of the jury, adds the local radio.

On the production side of the show, the editor-in-chief of Tony Comiti Productions, he does not share this opinion.

“I'm sorry for these people who obviously work very well,” explains Rémy Vincent to France Bleu Maine.

But I reviewed the images shot during the tasting and there is no ambiguity in these six minutes of “rushes”: it is indeed their pancake that is tasted when the jurors evoke this cheese taste ”.

"What is in doubt is our professionalism, our commitment"

If she says she is happy to be on TV and admits having found the images "very beautiful", Carole Bunel told France Bleu of her bitterness: "Not winning the competition this year is not the problem, and it is very good that other bakers in the department are recognized.

But here, what is in doubt is our professionalism, our commitment, all the work and all the passion that we have on a daily basis.

Our customers who know us support us, but what image are we now giving to others?


On Facebook, the president of the departmental bakery and pastry federation of Sarthe gave his full support to the artisans.

“Make up your own mind, I assure you that you won't be disappointed with the quality of Carole and Alexandre's bakery,” he wrote. 


What is the secret of the success of the galette des rois?


Hauts-de-France: How to avoid old-fashioned beans in king's pancakes

  • Cheese

  • M6

  • Competition

  • Bakery

  • Television