Teller Report

Baoding, Hebei: People who come to Beijing must be investigated in high-risk areas and come back to be isolated for 14 days

1/7/2021, 1:40:36 PM

  China News Service, Baoding, January 7 (Reporter Lv Zihao) On the morning of the 7th, at the Xiehe Public Security Checkpoint in Baoding City, Hebei Province, which is located in Zhuozhou City and is known as the "South Gate of the Capital", vehicles entering Beijing slowly entered the security check area and were on duty. The policemen wear protective clothing and conduct temperature tests, che

  China News Service, Baoding, January 7 (Reporter Lv Zihao) On the morning of the 7th, at the Xiehe Public Security Checkpoint in Baoding City, Hebei Province, which is located in Zhuozhou City and is known as the "South Gate of the Capital", vehicles entering Beijing slowly entered the security check area and were on duty. The policemen wear protective clothing and conduct temperature tests, check the negative certificates of nucleic acid tests, and health codes for each driver.

The police on duty said that at present, the station has increased its police force, with more than 50 police officers working in two shifts 24 hours a day.

  On the 7th, Zhuozhou City’s official WeChat “Zhuozhou Release” reported that in order to strictly prevent the risk of the spread of the epidemic in the surrounding Beijing area and reduce the cross-provincial flow of the Beijing-Hebei region, it is recommended that the general public should not enter Beijing unless necessary.

Non-commuters in Hebei Province who really need to enter Beijing must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours before arriving in Beijing and strictly abide by the capital’s epidemic prevention and control policies.

Commuters in the Huanjing area of ​​Hebei can commute normally with a residence certificate in the Huanjing area, a certificate of work in Beijing, and a negative nucleic acid test within 14 days (the first recent commute must have a negative nucleic acid test within 72 hours).

  At Zhuozhou Bus Station, there are not many passengers who come to take the bus. The station staff measures the body temperature of each passenger entering and leaving the station and reminds them to wear masks.

The deputy station director Liu Jingwen said that in addition to wearing a mask, scanning the health code and itinerary code, passengers are required to keep a distance of more than one meter when buying tickets and entering the station. The station is disinfected twice a day and the vehicles entering and leaving the station are disinfected. The station shall report shifts and arrange passengers based on the disinfection records.

  The Baoding Leading Group for Epidemic Response Work issued the latest notice on the 7th, stating that it will strictly check and control personnel returning to insurance from high-risk areas. In the past 14 days, counties (cities, districts) where high-risk areas and medium-risk areas in the province are located (currently Shijiazhuang Gao) Urban area and Nangong City of Xingtai will be adjusted accordingly according to the risk level in the future.) Those returning to the insurance shall be quarantined for 14 days, nucleic acid test three times, and the expenses shall be borne by themselves; strictly enforce the “14+7+7” policy and end After 14 days of centralized quarantine at the port and return to the security, point-to-point connection to the quarantine point for 7 days of centralized isolation and 7 days of home observation, included in the community grid management; strict "three lines of defense" inspection and control, fully implement the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei joint prevention and control mechanism, Implementation of the prevention and control strategy consistent with Beijing, the public security, transportation, health and other departments implement civil air defense and physical defense technical defense measures, continue to strictly implement the deployment requirements of the Provincial Public Security Department, strengthen the inspection and control of vehicles and personnel entering Beijing, and achieve "must check and must Tests must be verified and recorded” and handled according to standardized procedures to resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic.
