Teller Report

Spectators admitted: Anger over Handball World Cup - "That is embarrassing"

1/5/2021, 5:19:03 PM

The handball world championship will be held in Egypt. The organizers are convinced of their hygiene concept and even want to let spectators into the arenas. The lack of understanding grows among players and officials.


The Norwegian superstar Sander Sagosen from the Champions League winner THW Kiel has no understanding for the spectator plans at the World Cup in Egypt.

“I think that's absolutely embarrassing.

The way the world looks right now ... and that's where they want viewers, ”Sagosen told the Norwegian news agency NTB.

The world association IHF thinks “more of the finances than the health of the players,” added the 25-year-old.

"I just think you have to realize that it is too stupid with an audience at the moment."

The organizers of the title fight from January 13th to 31st want to occupy the arcades with a maximum audience capacity of 20 percent.

As the organizers announced, this decision is a precautionary measure in view of the current corona pandemic.

The original plan was to use 30 percent of the halls.

Hanning warns against arrogance


The German team plays its preliminary round in the 4500-seat hall in Giza, which was recently named after the Egyptian world association president Hassan Moustafa.

According to the current concept, 900 fans can attend the games.

The DHB selection starts on January 15th with the game against Uruguay in the tournament.

Bob Hanning is also there.

The DHB Vice President has no understanding for the sometimes violent criticism from the Bundesliga on the hygiene concept in Egypt.

"I keep thinking: I don't know where we get the arrogance from that we can do all this better than other countries," said the 52-year-old in an interview with RBB.

“I find it very difficult.

I find it very hard to keep saying something like that. "

Bob Hanning travels to Egypt

Source: dpa / Soeren Stache

On Monday, the head of the HC Erlangen supervisory board, Carsten Bissel, expressed sharp criticism of the tournament's corona concept in the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and feared consequences for the players.

"The alleged bubble in Cairo is a joke," said Bissel.

“You get the feeling that the organizers in Egypt are not interested in a real hygiene concept.

They will even allow spectators, what madness. "