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Is the virus incubation period longer? How to treat super communicators? Experts explain

1/5/2021, 10:18:40 PM

News 1+1丨Is the virus incubation period longer? How to treat super communicators? Experts explain →   On the afternoon of January 5, Beijing, Dalian, and Shenyang successively held press conferences on epidemic prevention and control. These three places each had 1 new confirmed case on the 4th. In this round of the epidemic, there were cases in Shenyang, Dalian, and Beijing that were tested multi

News 1+1丨Is the virus incubation period longer?

How to treat super communicators?

Experts explain →

  On the afternoon of January 5, Beijing, Dalian, and Shenyang successively held press conferences on epidemic prevention and control.

These three places each had 1 new confirmed case on the 4th.

In this round of the epidemic, there were cases in Shenyang, Dalian, and Beijing that were tested multiple times before they were diagnosed.

And a case of super communicator that appeared in Dalian also attracted attention...

  News 1+1 connects with Feng Zijian, deputy director of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to learn about the new situation in this round of the epidemic?

What challenges does it bring to our prevention and control?

Q In many places, close contacts are confirmed to be positive after multiple tests. Is the virus incubation period longer?

Feng Zijian


deputy director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

First of all, because the controlled population and close contacts have been repeatedly tested for many times, it appears that they are only positive after multiple tests.

Of course, there are also a small number of patients and infected persons whose incubation period will exceed the previously known 14 days, but this proportion is very small.

Recently, there have indeed been a few cases of immigrants who tested positive after 14 days of quarantine and released the quarantine, which led to a few cases of further spread.

The reasons for this situation may also be diverse, and further analysis is still being done.

It may be an extremely long incubation period of more than 14 days; it may also be that the detection method or reagents used are not sensitive enough; it may also be that he was infected in the isolation environment during the isolation period, so that he was positive after being released from isolation , And caused further spread.

We are now also doing further analysis and assessment of each link and each cause. For this reason, what measures should be taken next to increase the detection rate and detection rate to prevent further spread of the virus after isolation. These measures are being studied. .

  Q How do you think that some places have adjusted the quarantine time of immigrants to "14+7"?

Feng Zijian, deputy director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Some localities have made some responses based on specific circumstances. On the basis of the original 14-day quarantine, the short or long home or intensive observation time has been extended by 7 days, which is also

to prevent the occurrence of the release of quarantine. , Causing further spread in the community and in the family


However, we must know that the so-called long incubation period, which causes transmission after 14 days of quarantine, accounts for a very low proportion of the total number of people entering the country who are released from quarantine.

In the next step, how to adjust the measures for quarantine and quarantine of entry personnel, and how the quarantine time is more appropriate, are still being further evaluated.

  Q In some areas of our country, imported cases have already had mutant viruses found in the UK. Is the prevention and control situation more severe?

Feng Zijian, deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

As the newly discovered mutant virus in the UK spreads and spreads in the UK and other regions, there are more and more opportunities for it to be imported into China.

In the future, the probability of detecting the virus among the entry personnel, including possible contaminated goods, will greatly increase, and it may even occur that after entering our country, the possibility of local transmission may also exist.

In this regard, monitoring and control should be strengthened.

  Q One pass 11 appeared in Dalian. How do you view the phenomenon of super spreaders and super spreads?

Feng Zijian, deputy director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: It has

been a year since the new crown was discovered at the beginning of last year. In fact, the international community has a very clear understanding of it. This disease is particularly prone to super-spread.

A very high percentage of infected people do not spread, and will not cause second-generation cases.

However, a small number of infected persons or patients will spread more than the basic number of transmission-more than 3, will spread more than 3 second-generation cases, which constitutes a super transmission phenomenon, which is a very important feature of the new crown, so in It is not surprising that super-spreading phenomena or super-spreaders are discovered in the process of epidemic control in various places.

The occurrence of super spreaders has many very important characteristics, which are often related to the patient's body and disease state.

  Q Recently, nucleic acid tests were found to be positive on auto parts in many places in China. Is this a new trend?

Feng Zijian, deputy director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

This is not a new trend, because it

is a very common phenomenon


items are contaminated by patients


Whether it is frozen products, ordinary goods, or contaminated transportation, this phenomenon has been discovered many times in China in the recent period, but it is the first time that it has been discovered in automobile parts.

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