Teller Report

Experts ask to delay the opening of educational centers in Catalonia

1/5/2021, 9:38:35 PM

A group of experts has asked the Ministry of Education of the Generalitat to delay the opening of Catalan educational centers, from primary school to university, to

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A group of experts has asked the Ministry of Education of the Generalitat to delay the opening of Catalan educational centers,

from primary to university,

to avoid new infections by coronavirus and contribute to reducing the incidence of COVID-19.

Among the twenty signatories are the epidemiologist

Oriol Mitjà,

the physicist

Àlex Arenas,

the geneticist

Salvador Macip

and the statesman

Guadalupe Gómez Melis.

Catalan schools plan to resume teaching activity on January 11, but these experts claim that the opening

be delayed "a few weeks",

until the current rate of infection slows down.

In the letter that they have sent to the Government and that they have published on social networks, they highlight that

the epidemiological situation is now "significantly" worse

than that of the second week of September 2020, when the school year began.

They added that a new variant of the virus has been detected in England that "has been shown to have

an infectivity 24% higher than the previous variant

in the population group aged 0-9 years and 14% in the group aged 10-19 years. ".

"We know that the total closure of schools has social, labor and economic consequences, and therefore we understand that solutions must be presented that minimize this situation," they add.

To minimize the problems derived from the delay in opening the educational centers, these experts call on the administration to

facilitate access for all students to telematic classes, and companies to allow teleworking

for all those who require it and can practice it. .


In contrast, the Tornem a les Escoles platform has argued that the school "is essential and must remain open" because

closing it has a social cost,

especially for vulnerable families and special education students.

He has underlined in a series of tweets collected by Europa Press that

the schools have served to detect cases

and that the screening and contact tracing "has worked", showing that they have been a tool to control the pandemic and have not amplified it.

He has defended that in November the curve was flattened with open schools, and has remarked that the epidemiological situation

"has worsened with closed schools", he

pointed out that it is necessary to screen school personnel on January 7 and 8 before resuming the course.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Catalonia

  • Barcelona

  • Infectious diseases

  • Coronavirus

  • Covid 19

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