Teller Report

Trial of 4 Europeans for attempted theft of 500,000 dirhams under duress

12/31/2020, 10:11:50 PM

The Dubai Criminal Court has begun the trial of four defendants who have the nationality of one of the Eastern European countries (two engineers and two employees), who tried to steal 500 thousand dirhams from an Arab person, and attacked him and two of his friends in an apartment where the victim came to buy a digital currency.

After luring an Arab person with a fake deal and assaulting him

Trial of 4 Europeans for attempted theft of 500,000 dirhams under duress

The Dubai Criminal Court has started the trial of four defendants who have the nationality of one of the Eastern European countries (two engineers and two employees), who tried to steal 500 thousand dirhams from an Arab person, and attacked him and two of his friends in an apartment where the victim came to buy a digital currency.

It became clear to the victims that they had been tempted to steal their money, as the defendants tried to remove the bag of money from the hand of its owner, but he clung to it despite the repeated assault on him, and he continued to seek help until the defendants became afraid and fled, and the Public Prosecution charged the defendants with the charge of committing the felony of attempted theft under duress.

The first victim (Arab) said that he, accompanied by two of his friends, went to meet an Asian person to buy a digital currency (Bitcoin) worth 500 thousand dirhams, and the seller directed them to his office, but he was not present when they came, so they met another person, according to the coordination of the first, and they waited For a while, hoping for his arrival, he told them by phone that he was about to arrive.

He added that the Asian asked them to show the money to his colleague in the office to make sure they had the money, and accordingly he would transfer the digital currency to them, so they offered the money and waited for the transfer process, but he kept stalling on the pretext that there was no internet until they were concerned, so they decided to leave, and the person who was A phone call awaited them, and the other party was informed that the victim was about to leave.

The victim added that, within three minutes, four people (the European accused) entered the office and asked the victim about the reason for their presence in the office, then two of the defendants attacked the holder of the money bag trying to remove it, while the other two attacked him and his third friend by punching him, but the victim who was He carried the bag and did not give it up, and kept screaming and crying out, while the defendants sprayed deodorant in the eyes of the victims, but they resisted until the accused felt fear, and fled the scene.

He pointed out that they informed the police, which used the recording of surveillance cameras, and the accused were seized and identified by the victims.

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