Teller Report

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus announced the suppression of attempts to wreak havoc in the country

12/31/2020, 7:58:34 PM

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, Ivan Kubrakov, said that in the outgoing year, police officers managed to stop attempts to wreak havoc in the country.

“Despite the huge number of unauthorized mass events, riots, the chaos that certain categories of citizens tried to sow in the cities of our republic, all these attempts were suppressed by officers of the internal affairs bodies,” RIA Novosti quotes Kubrakov's New Year greetings.

According to him, 2020 was a really tough year.

He also stated that the police officers fulfilled their obligations with dignity.

Earlier, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko warned the protesters about the inadmissibility of suppressing the red line and said that if they violate the law and order, there will be a response from the authorities.