Teller Report

Commander of the Israeli Air Force: The day that we conduct joint exercises with Gulf countries is not far away

12/31/2020, 9:09:02 PM

The commander of the Israeli Air Force said that there are great opportunities in the agreements that were signed with Gulf countries, and that "the day when we will witness the conduct of joint maneuvers between the Israeli air force and Gulf air weapons will not be far away."

The commander of the Israeli Air Force, Amikam Norkin, said that there are great opportunities in the agreements signed with Gulf states, and that "the day when we will witness the conduct of joint maneuvers between the Israeli air force and Gulf air weapons will not be far away."

The Israeli military official spoke at a conference of the Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science in the city of Rehobot, near Tel Aviv, about expectations of important strategic implications for the entire region.

He added - according to the Israeli newspaper Maariv - that providing the UAE with advanced aircraft of the "F-35" (F-35) will affect the field, but it is not unlikely that maneuvers will be held with Gulf countries soon.

The Israeli military official did not specify which Gulf countries he expected to conduct joint exercises with, but he clarified that Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz had agreed with his US counterpart two months ago to maintain the Israeli superiority in terms of quality.

Despite Israeli officials 'opposition on more than one occasion, the United States' intention to sell F-35s to the UAE, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted last October that Tel Aviv would not oppose this.

Israel bought 50 F-35 fighters from the United States, which will be delivered to the Israeli Air Force in succession over a period of 5 years.

With regard to Iran, he considered that the situation in the Middle East is strongly subject to explosion, and that Israel will not accept the existence of Iranian capabilities near its borders, nor will it accept capabilities for precision missiles in Lebanon.